Page 34 of Before Forever

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The music swelled around us, but everyone else around us seemed to vanish. It was just me and Derek standing there, our lips locked in the tender kiss. A hot need grew inside, inspiring my lips to part and take in a sweep of his tongue across mine. His hand raked through the back of my hair as he tilted me back, kissing me harder,too hardfor being in the middle of a crowd of people.

I pulled away as the music broke again and dropped my eyes, touching my fingertips to the tingling sensation on my bottom lip. His eyes were still burning into me as I felt a hot blush spread across my cheeks.

Derek grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd, leading me into a dark corner. Our bodies crashed together again. He pinned me to the wall, pressing my back against the wooden boards as his mouth devoured mine. I melted into his scent of pine and cotton and the taste of beer and mint from his tongue. I lost myself in him completely.

Here was this man that I barely knew, but suddenly after just one evening, it somehow felt like I had known him forever. The conversation had been so fun and easy, much like making out with him was.

I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so alive with lust and excitement. I didn’t need a man to feel beautiful, but suddenly I realized I had forgotten what it even felt like. Evan hadn’t made me feel that way in a long time, even before we broke up.

The way Derek looked at me and touched me, I felt like one of the supermodels Evan would have cheated on me with.

The warmth of his body and strong hands clutching at my clothes, caressing my skin, sent a rush of urgency, need, and heat through me, pooling all together in the pit of my stomach, seeping down in between my thighs. I needed more of him than I could have in that dark corner of the barn.

After some unknown amount of time had passed with us hidden away, exploring each other’s mouth, we reluctantly came back up for air.

“Should we get out of here?” he panted.

I nodded and headed for the door. We walked hand in hand, laughing as we started off down the road. I felt the cold sting of rain drops on my arms, then more on the top of my head. We stopped and looked up at heavy gray clouds in the dark sky.

“I guess we should walk a little faster,” he laughed. “Before it opens up on us.”

“I guess so,” I snickered back.

We took off running, giggling like teenagers the whole way. The sprinkles had turned into a heavy downpour by the time we reached the front porch of the lake house. We ran under the roof of it for cover, but within seconds Derek was kissing me again. I crashed back against the door, clawing at the back of his head to pull his mouth even deeper against mine.

His touch grew bolder, with his big rough hands spreading down the back of my thighs then traveling up. He gripped my butt and lifted me into the air, wrapping my legs around his waist. My hips bucked against him, my back craned against the screen door. I could feel the growing bulge in his jeans. The more it pressed against me, the stronger my fiery need for him grew.

Without breaking our kiss, I managed to reach into my purse and fumble around for my keys. He wrapped his hand around mine and took them from me to slide the key into the lock and turn. The moment the door was open, we went crashing inside. My legs still wrapped tightly around him as he carried me in.

He stumbled towards the table in the foyer, pushing me onto the edge of it. But we nearly knocked over the giant lamp sitting there, so he headed towards the couch instead. We crashed backward over the arm of it, inching our bodies back until I was supported under the weight of him.

He brushed my hair to the side and kissed his way down my neck. I dug my fingers into the blanket hanging from the cushion beside me and whimpered as his lips nibbled along my collarbone. I ran my hands under the fabric of his shirt, dying inside as I finally learned what those muscles I had spent so much time dreaming about actually felt like. My fingers ran across his abs, up to the hair on his chest.

His lips left mine every few seconds, and I’d be left to stare down his questioning eyes. Every time, I pulled his mouth back to mine and urged him to keep going. His roaming hands grew even more adventurous, feeling up the back of my thighs then running across my breasts.

“Please,” I whimpered. “Don’t stop. I want more.”

I could tell he was being careful about crossing the line. But with those words, he leaned back and reached for the silver belt around my waist. He unclasped it and tossed it to the floor, then started working on the buttons one by one. He worked slowly, his eyes staring intently as they darted between each new inch of skin exposed and the fire burning in my eyes.

With the last button undone, he slid his hands under the soft fabric running them over my shoulders and down my arms, removing the dress as he went. I was exposed underneath him, in nothing by my bra and panties. I remembered I hadn’t put a lot of thought into which ones I wore because I hadn’t really expected this to happen. Part of me maybe hoped it would, in a fantasy sort of way. But I didn’t believe it actually would.

The last time I had kissed Derek, I was humiliated by his reaction. This whole dinner was supposed to make up for that very misstep, but he was the one who kissed me this time. And now we were falling down a deep pit of desire I couldn’t see either of us crawling our way out of any time soon.

There was a nagging in the back of my brain reminding me of all the reasons this was a bad idea. But I kept pushing those aside. Maybe after everything that happened with Evan, a good rebound was exactly what I needed. With a buff firefighter at that. After all, I was in Silver Point to recharge while settling my mom’s affairs. So why not have a little fun?

Derek’s tongue rolled across mine as he cupped the back of my head in his hand. He pulled my face up to his, staring back at me with his smoldering eyes.God, this has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced, I marveled to myself.

It was clear he knew what he was doing. His fingers expertly unclasped the hooks of my bra and tossed it down to the floor with the rest of my clothes. His head dropped, and he kissed around my breasts, squeezing whichever one his lips weren’t attending to. I rolled my head back with a deep moan, twisting my fingers through his hair.

I thought I might combust as his kisses trailed down my stomach, then to my inner thighs. That thought felt even more possible as he ran his tongue across my throbbing folds, from top to bottom. That one long stroke was enough to make my legs shake in his hands. He sucked me into his mouth, making them shake harder.

I let out a whimpering gasp of unintelligible words.

“Is this okay?” he asked, popping his head up.

All I could manage was to nod and push his mouth back to where it was. I felt him smile against me as his tongue darted out again. He lapped me up until my whole body was trembling. I was already dangerously close to exploding when he slid a finger inside of me, expertly bending it to apply pressure to all the right places.
