Page 17 of Our Perfect Moment

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“What?” She shook her head slightly. “Why…why did you stop?”

“I just thought that maybe I—”

“Oh.” Amber’s hands fluttered in front of her face as she sat up. “Of course.” She turned away slightly and smoothed her hair back off her face. “You’re right…we shouldn’t…okay…” She nodded. “I get it. You’re not…I’m not really…”

“What?” He shook his head in confusion over what exactly was going on with her. He couldn’t help it and he laughed a little, which only seemed to fluster her more. “What are you talking about, Amber? What’s going on?”

“This…you…me…” She took a breath and attempted to compose herself. “I get it,” she said after a moment, finally turning to look at him again. “This is silly. We shouldn’t do this and I’m not really your type and we probably—”

There was no way Cole was going to let her finish that thought. He moved quickly and in an instant he straddled her body with his legs, so she couldn’t move. A second later, he took her face in both his hands and kissed her deeply and thoroughly. When he was done, there was zero room for doubt about whether or not she was his type.

When he was finally sure he’d made his point, and Amber’s chest was heaving, her breath coming in short pants, Cole pulled his mouth away but didn’t make any move to leave her personal space. With the firelight dancing over her face, he looked directly into her eyes so she could see that he meant every word of what he was about to say. “Don’t ever doubt that you’re my type, Amber. I can honestly say with one hundred percent accuracy that I’ve never wanted any woman the way I want you right now. Not. Even. Close.”

Her lips turned up into a sexy smile, but she still didn’t look convinced. “Then why did you stop?”

“Because I just thought that maybe—”

“Josie.” Her face fell. “Of course.” She shook her head. “Your sister. I’m a terrible friend.”

“Stop.” He held her face so she was looking at him again. “I didn’t stop because of Josie. In fact, I can tell you that when I was kissing you, my sister was the very last thing I was thinking of.”

“But I mean, you’re her brother.”

He nodded.

“And I’m her best friend.”

He nodded again.


“I don’t see how one has anything to do with the other.”

Her eyes squeezed closed for a second. “I promised her I would keep you away from the local women.”

Cole laughed and swung his leg over her so he sat next to her again. “I think you did a pretty good job of that, don’t you?”

It took her a moment, and then she joined his laughter. “I guess I did.”

“She didn’t say anything about you staying away from me, did she?”

Amber shook her head.

“Good.” He twisted his fingers in her soft hair and pulled her gently toward him. This time, instead of tasting her sweet lips, he moved to her neck.

“But I think that maybe—oh…”

Cole trailed kisses down her skin, biting and licking his way down her neck.

“Maybe she meant that I should—ohhh…”

He got to the zipper of her jacket, which he moved easily down and out of the way so he could ease the buttons of her blouse from their holes until finally, his lips had access to the deliciously tantalizing swell of her breasts. He continued and deftly unfastened the next button, exposing her cotton bra.

“I just don’t know if we—oh, that feels good.” She shuddered under his touch, encouraging him.

Her breasts fit in his hand perfectly. He couldn’t wait to see them properly. But that would have to wait. For the moment, he’d settle for teasing her to the point of distraction. Cole nibbled his way along the top of her bra before he pushed it down to expose her pebbled nipple. His body reacted to her sharp intake of breath as he swirled his tongue around the peak before he popped it into his mouth and sucked gently.

“Do you think that Josie—”
