Page 19 of Our Perfect Moment

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She was absolutely delicious.Everything about her. But when Cole pressed his mouth between her legs to taste the sweet juices there, he was completely lost. He forced himself to move slowly, taking his time with her. He’d guessed she was probably not that experienced in the bedroom, but even so, he may have underestimated how much she’d been missing out on.

He planned to rectify that.

At once.

With his hands gripping each of her thighs, opening her to him, he used his tongue. Slowly at first, and then, as she began to respond to him, faster. She was so responsive, so completely trusting of him, and willing to let go. It was sexy as hell.

But not nearly as sexy as when she threaded her fingers in his hair and pressed him into her with an unspoken request for more. A request he was more than happy to deliver on.

He focused his attentions on her swollen nub, sucking gently before swirling his tongue in circles. He could feel her tense beneath his grip as her orgasm neared. Cole knew he’d be the first to make her climax this way, and he was determined to make it memorable. Keeping one hand firmly gripping her hip, he used his other to slip first one finger and then another inside her.

She gasped as he pressed into her tight heat. Before her legs gave out, she wrapped them tightly around him and groaned as he hit the sensitive spot deep inside her. Cole pressed her up against the wall to keep her from sliding and at the same time took her throbbing clit into his mouth. Seconds later, she came completely undone around him, screaming out her release as her climax overtook her.

He smiled as he finally pulled away. He hadn’t expected her to be a screamer, but then again, Amber was full of surprises.

And he liked it.

A lot.

Reluctantly, Cole got to his feet because as much fun as he was having, he was still completely dressed, including his winter coat, and things were definitely starting to heat up.

He took a moment to watch her as she recovered from her orgasm. Her eyes were squeezed tight, her palms pressed flat against the wall, and her chest rose and fell with her breasts straining against the innocent cotton bra she still wore as her breath began to slow. He knew now, despite the innocent cotton undergarments, she was anything but. And he liked it.

“You are without a doubt the sexiest woman I have ever met.” The sound of his voice caused her to open her eyes, a blush instantly covering her skin. Before she could move to cover herself, a situation he definitely did not want, Cole reached out and cupped her cheek, letting his thumb trace her lips. “I mean it, Amber. Damn, woman.”

Her lips flicked up a little into a grin. “That was…” She shook her head, unable to form the words.


Amber nodded. “Very.”

“I’m glad.” He pressed his thumb between her lips and she sucked it before biting it ever so slightly, a move that made his cock stiffen. A painful reminder that he was still fully clothed.

And not anywhere near done with her yet.

He stripped his jacket and boots off, leaving them scattered in the hallway before leading her to the couch.

“You still have far too many clothes on.”

He grinned. “I do, don’t I?”

“Let me help.” Amber reached out and tugged his T-shirt up and off his head. She ran her hands down his chest, sending thrills through him, directly to his core. Her fingers slowly worked the buttons on his jeans, and after what felt like forever, she got them undone and slid the denim over his hips, along with his boxer briefs.

Her eyes widened appreciatively as his jeans hit the floor, a detail he definitely noticed, and liked, very much. But not nearly as much as when she wrapped her hand around him and squeezed before walking back toward the couch. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, releasing her gorgeous tits.

As much as Cole wanted the evening to go on forever, he had his limits, too. And he’d just about reached them.

After a quick dig through his wallet for a condom, he sheathed himself and joined her on the couch. There were probably more romantic places, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was being inside her, feeling her around him, and looking into her eyes.

Her blonde hair was splayed out on the cushion beneath her, making her look every bit the sex goddess he was quickly coming to believe she was. But she was also so much more. She was Amber.

He looked straight into her eyes as he sank deep inside her. He saw the want in her eyes, the need…and something else that both sent a thrill through him and scared the hell out of him at the same time.


Cole slept remarkably betterwith Amber in his arms than he had the night before on the lumpy couch with her a flight of stairs away. A lot better. And it didn’t have anything to do with the location of his slumber.

He didn’t want their night to end. After their lovemaking session on the couch, they’d moved upstairs, where Amber fell asleep with her head on his chest. He’d never been the type to linger after a hookup. And he most certainly wasn’t the type to spend the night cuddling. But with Amber, it was different.Hewas different. It was the craziest thing, but the more and more time he spent with her, the more time he wanted to spend with her. She was definitely more than a hookup.
