Page 40 of Our Perfect Moment

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“It’s not going anywhere. We’ll go another time.”

“But it was only the other night that you asked me to go with you. Now you’re willing to come withme?”

He nodded. “Of course. Like I said, I’ve done crazier things than following a woman who I…”

Amber’s heart did a strange flutter in her chest. “Who you’re what?”

What was he going to say?

He shook his head and smiled. “Who I think is super sexy.”

The words were meant to be teasing and fun, but they fell flat and Amber couldn’t help but think that there’d been something else he’d been about to say. But she wouldn’t push. Because what if he didn’t feel the same way she did? Sure, she knew he liked her. Enough to throw up his whole life in the air, and that was definitely something. But was iteverything?

Was it enough?

Was itlove?

And did it even matter?


“I think it’s awesome.”Josie sat across the table from them, sipping her coffee as if it were no big deal that they’d just told her Cole was moving to Toronto. His sister never failed to surprise him. “Are you surprised?” Josie looked between them. “I mean, just because I sort of said I wasn’t sure about it, you didn’t really think I’d disapprove of all this?” She waved her hand between them and laughed. “You did, didn’t you?”

Amber shrugged but it was Cole who answered. “Honestly? Kind of. I mean, I’m your big brother.”

“And I’m your best friend.”

“And that’s exactly why it’s perfect.” Josie laughed and drank her coffee. “Who else would I want for my sister-in-law?”



They both spoke at the same time, and when Amber looked at him with panic on her face, he patted her hand and smiled. “No one is saying anything about marriage.”


“Josie. Seriously. We’re talking about Toronto. That’s it.” He needed to shut his sister down before she got any more crazy ideas. And marriagewascrazy. He’d barely gotten used to the idea that he was falling for this girl. Never mind spending the rest of his life with her. Way too soon for that.

“And we’re not making any plans.”

Cole turned and looked at Amber with shock and admiration. For a girl who’d planned her whole life, she was coming over quickly to his way of thinking. He liked it. More importantly, he liked her. A lot.

So much so that it scared him.

“Whatever you say. Either way, I’m happy for you guys,” Josie said. “But there’s only one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“This house.” She moaned and then laughed. “I was counting on your help.”

Cole instantly felt a flash of guilt. “I know. I’m so sorry. Do you want me to stay?” He looked quickly between his sister and Amber, who nodded. “I’ll stay. What do you need me to do?”

“No.” She waved her arm in the air. “Amber has a job to get to.” Cole didn’t think he was imagining it when he saw Amber flinch, but before he could say anything, Josie continued talking. “I’ll be fine. I’m just being sensitive. But I will miss you both.” Josie jumped up from the table. “Now come and give me a hug before I change my mind and make you stay.”

LeavingJosie was harder than Amber expected. There hadn’t been enough time to spend with her friend. She’d almost turned her car around twice to go back and spend a few more days with her, but ultimately, she’d kept going, following Cole in his truck. With two rental vehicles, they had to drive separately back to Saskatoon and the airport. Amber would have rather been with Cole. She couldn’t get enough of him.

You’ll have plenty of time to be with him in Toronto.
