Page 47 of Our Perfect Moment

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Mr. Summerwas the hottest new television series that was based off Gwen’s super popular blog and her real-life relationship with their oldest brother, Ian. There’d been all sorts of drama surrounding the series as it was getting started, but once the filming started, and the first few episodes debuted, the drama disappeared, replaced completely by success and the show had taken off.

“It doesn’t look like you’ll have to look for work anytime soon,” Amber said. “The show is doing incredible.”

“Filming it right here is even more incredible,” Cal said, ever humble. “Milena loves it here, too. And since I love her…well…it makes the decision to stay an easy one.” He waved his hand. “But that’s enough about me. Tell me everything about you. What has been going on?”

It had been the conversation Amber had been able to avoid for most of the night considering there was so much catching up to do with everyone else. It’s not that she didn’t want to talk about herself—it was more that she didn’t know what to say.

She shrugged and turned her attention to her glass. She swirled the deep-red liquid around and around.

“What’s going on, Amber?” Cal’s voice softened.

“There’s nothing going on.” That was the truth. Ever since she’d called Wallace and McKwade and turned down the job, there hadn’t been much going on at all. Thinking of the phone call she’d made and the way she’d thanked Joshua for the opportunity, but she had to say no to the position, still made her a little nauseous.

“Are you sure?” Joshua had asked her more than once. “It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but it was a great opportunity. She knew that. She also knew she couldn’t take the job. Besides, there was no way Cole would be happy in Toronto.

Not that Cole was the deciding factor in turning down the job. Not at all. But he did play a part.How could he not?

The job wasn’t the right thing for her. At least not for now. Not that she knew whatwasthe right thing for her.Was it Cole?She couldn’t be sure. Not of anything. Except maybe one thing—with the utmost certainty, Amber knew she was falling in love with him. Maybe she was already in love with him.

But what if he didn’t feel the same way?Sure, she knew he liked her. A lot.But love?That was a big leap.

She sighed deeply and looked up at her brother. “I guess I don’t really know what I’m doing at all anymore.”


“I still don’t knowwhy we need to drive two hours into the forest when you’re literally surrounded by trees, right here.” Cole, dressed in thick winter clothes that had been donated by Amber’s brothers, stood by the pickup truck as the others loaded axes, chainsaws, and thermoses full of what he assumed was coffee, but also really hoped contained some whisky to help warm him up, into the back.

“Because the best trees are up there.” Mitch pointed toward a mountain that rose impossibly high above them.

“He’s kidding,” Ian said. “But the best trees are a bit of a drive.”

“Besides,” Declan chimed in, “and more importantly, it’s tradition to go out in the woods and pick a tree.”

“Whose tradition?” Lucas, Chelsea’s boyfriend, asked with a laugh. “I didn’t think any of you actually ever spent a Christmas in Cedar Springs before.” He winked at Cole and shook his head. As the only other man who wasn’t directly related, but dating a McCormick sister, Cole felt a sense of camaraderie from the man despite the fact he’d barely spoken to him.

“True,” Mitch said. “But more the reason to start the tradition now, don’t you think?” He handed Cole a thick pair of leather work gloves and opened the back door to the truck. “Welcome to the first annual McCormick tree hunt.”

Cole laughed and climbed into the crew cab of the truck while Cal and Mitch rode up front. Lucas, Declan, Ian, and Declan’s stepson-to-be Jonah, hopped in the truck behind them, and in their own little convoy, headed up the snow-covered mountain road.

They’d only been driving a few minutes, when Cal turned around in his seat and smiled at Cole. “So, Amber tells me you’ve been living in Australia for the last few years.”

There was nothing particularly antagonistic about Cal’s question, but Cole couldn’t help but feel as if he were being interrogated. “That’s right.”

“I was in Australia myself.”

Cole knew that.Everyoneknew that. Cal was a rising star in Hollywood. “I doubt our paths would have crossed. I was mostly in the Outback, working on ranches.”

Cal nodded knowingly. “And now?”

Cole raised an eyebrow in question and maybe the slightest bit of challenge. “Now I’m here.”

The other man smirked and turned back to face front, but only for a moment before he turned around again. “I’m not sure about you yet.” Whatever Cole expected him to say, it wasn’t that. He bristled and readied to rebut, but Cal continued. “My sister likes you, so I like that.” He grinned, softening his interrogation a little bit. “But she’s different with you.Reallydifferent.”

“Cal, I don’t—”

“Hey.” Cal held up his hand, interrupting Cole. “Amber’s my sister and it’s my job to make sure she’s okay.”
