Page 60 of Our Perfect Moment

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This was it.He knew what he needed to do. More than that, what hewantedto do. It would be a huge leap for him. But he was ready. More than ready.

Especially if it meant he got to be with Amber.

With a huge grin on his face, Cole pulled open the door ofLive, Love, Lakeand stepped inside to buy Amber a Christmas present.

Amber had barely seenCole all day. He’d said something about doing some last-minute Christmas shopping when she’d texted him earlier, but he’d promised to be back in plenty of time to go up to the Springs resort for the big Christmas Eve party that was happening that night.

The Springs hotel was an exclusive spa resort that had really been a boon to the economy of Cedar Springs since it had opened only a few years earlier. And, of course, being the small town that it was, Amber’s siblings had all become friends with many of the locals who both worked there and owned it.

The resort was hosting a big party and although Amber would have been happy with a quiet Christmas Eve spent watching holiday movies and drinking eggnog, she was looking forward to an excuse to wear her new dress.

All day, she’d tried not to think of the decision she’d already made, focusing instead on being with her family and enjoying what was the first big holiday together with all her siblings. There’d be plenty of time to get Cole alone and have the conversation she’d been dreading. But that could come later. Much later.

There was no need to ruin Christmas.

And that’s what Amber was still telling herself as she walked into the ballroom of the Springs resort with Cal and Milena hours later. She’d spent a little extra time on her hair and Jade had helped her with her makeup, since her skills in that area were pretty much nonexistent. The peacock-blue dress they’d picked out earlier in the week showed off every curve she had, and even some she didn’t know she had. Paired with the shoes Chelsea and Evie had convinced her to buy, she had to admit, the entire effect was amazing.

When Amber looked in the mirror, she could hardly believe that she was the woman staring back at her.

“You seriously look fantastic,” Milena said for the dozenth time that night. “Cal, doesn’t she look incredible?” It was a question she’d asked him at least as many times.

Her brother grunted begrudgingly, but he smiled. “You really do look stunning, Amber. Really.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Cole won’t even know what hit him. Where is he, anyway? I haven’t seen him all day.” He made a show of looking around the room.

Amber tried not to look bothered by the fact that she’d really wanted Cole to accompany her to the party that night. She’d been a little upset when he’d texted to say that he’d meet her there, but she’d squashed the feelings.

After all, she had no right to demand anything of him. And she needed to keep reminding herself of that.

“I’m sure he’ll be here shortly.”

But even after they got drinks and Cal introduced her to a few of the locals he knew from town, Cole still hadn’t shown up. Amber forced herself not to look at her phone. After all, if he didn’t want to be there, she would have her answer about how he felt about her and she wouldn’t even have to ask.

She kept the smile she didn’t completely feel pasted to her face, but when the beginning strains of a familiar song filled the air, Amber no longer could hold back her feelings. As quickly and subtly as she could, Amber excused herself from the conversation with people whose names she didn’t remember anyway, and started to make a beeline for the washroom. Maybe she could hide there until the song was over.

She hadn’t quite made it to the safety of the restroom when the lyrics of the Thomas Rhett song she’d been trying to avoid reached her ears. It had only been such a short time ago that she’d danced with Cole to these words at the Snow Ball. Only a few weeks ago when he’d held her in his arms and for the first time in her life she’d felt safe and wanted and needed. And now…

Tears threatened, but Amber was determined not to ruin her makeup. She increased her pace because she couldn’t listen to even one more note, not without bursting into tears—which was something she really didn’t want to do. Not in front of everyone.No.She had to get out of there. She almost made it when she felt a hand on her arm.

Amber spun around, ready to tell whomever it was that there was an emergency and she really had to go. But it was Cole who stood there.

In an instant, the air was sucked from the room.

“You look…” Cole shook his head and sucked on his bottom lip for just a moment before trying again. “You look absolutely ravishing, Amber. May I have this dance?”

She wasthe most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. Not that he needed any more reason to say what he needed to say, but with only one look at her, Cole knew it in his heart.

She was unequivocally the woman of his dreams.

Cole led her to the dance floor and pulled her close into his arms. The downside to that was he could no longer admire how gorgeous she was. The upside, of course, was having her pressed close to him. A feeling he never wanted to let go of.

They moved easily for a few beats, letting the lyrics wash over them. But then it was time. He couldn’t hold it in a moment longer.

“Amber, I need to tell you something.”

Instantly, he regretted his choice of words as she stiffened in his arms. But he couldn’t stop, not for anything. “It’s something I should have told you earlier, but—”

“It’s okay.” She cut him off and tried to wiggle out of his grip. In response, Cole tried again to pull her close. “I knew it was coming.”

“You knew what?” Something was wrong. Her body language changed in an instant. Come to think of it, she’d been tense from the moment they got on the dance floor. And when he’d caught up to her outside of the restroom, had she been trying toleave?
