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Then, the idea hit him. Why not ask Hope to come to Lone Oaks with him? She could use the time away from Kentucky, the overwhelming memories that would undoubtedly besiege her during Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the plight her father unwittingly bequeathed her. If Hope accompanied Drew to Virginia, he'd be able to honor his grandfather's request, he and Hope wouldn't be six hundred miles apart, and she wouldn't be alone for the two biggest holidays of the year.

At Lone Oaks, she'd be surrounded by not only his parents and grandparents but his three brothers, two nephews, a thousand head of cattle, and a stable full of horses. She could grieve in private while figuring out the best way to handle Sam's financial affairs without the well-intentioned input of her friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Plus, it would allow the two of them the much-needed time and space to work through everything concerning the baby.

"You still there?" Pops’ voice thundered in his ear.

“Yeah. I’m still here.” Drew hesitated, knowing full well he needed to give this idea some more thought instead of going with his gut. But what the hell. “Okay, Pops. I’ll come home on one condition.”

"Name it." Happiness mingled with relief in Zeke's booming baritone.

"I want to bring someone with me."

"Oh really?"

Drew heard the uptick of surprise in Pops’ question. "Yeah. Her name is Hope."

"I see," Zeke crooned, and Drew could picture the smile on his grandfather’s sun-weathered face.

No, he didn't. Well, at least not all of it. But that was okay. Whether she'd admit it or not, Hope needed this time away. Now, all Drew had to do was convince her to agree.

Chapter Three

"Sorry. That took longer than I expected." Drew slid onto the red vinyl seat across from Hope. He rested his elbows on the chrome-edged Formica table and scrubbed his hands over his face.

"Is everything okay?" Hope asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah. Pops just tends to get long-winded sometimes."

Cupping her water glass, Hope lowered her gaze. "Be glad you’re still able to talk to your family.”

The bleakness in Hope's voice clawed at Drew's heart, which only reinforced his decision to bring her home with him. Though his family could be overwhelming at times, Drew truly believed Lone Oaks was where Hope needed to be.

"My grandfather wants me to come home for the holidays."

Hope looked up from stirring the ice with her straw. "You should go."

"Trying to get rid of me?"


Of course not. Her response was about spending valued time with his family while he still had the chance. Time Hope wished she still had with her father. "It's a long time to be away. About six weeks."

Looking at him, Hope shrugged. "So?"

"Well, for one, it's not just for a visit." Drew leaned back against the booth. "I think I've mentioned that growing up, the plan was that when I finished vet school, I'd return home to join my grandfather's practice and take over when he retires."

"But then you got the fellowship at Wakefield."

"Right." Drew nodded. "Which wasn't something either of us factored into the master plan. Pops accepted it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up, but I know he's been disappointed at how long I've stayed here."

"And now he thinks it's time for you to go home?"

Drew nodded again. "Since he'll turn eighty next fall, I think he's about ready to hang up his stethoscope. He wants me to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. While there, I can work with him in order to make a more informed decision about whether to stay at Wakefield or partner with him.”

"Did you tell him about Dr. Wakefield's offer?"

"Yeah, but instead of backing off, it only re-enforced his resolve. He said now it was even more important to weigh the options before making a decision of this magnitude about the future of my career."

"He's right."
