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"And he just accepted it? No questions asked?"

"He really didn't have much choice."


He barked out a laugh. "What? He's getting what he wants. I'm coming home to follow him around for over a month, so he can do everything in his power to persuade me to stay and join his practice."

With all the other happenings in her life the past few weeks, Hope hadn’t given much thought to the fact that after the new year, Drew could decide Hickory Ridge was where he belonged. The realization now left a hollow ache in the vicinity of her heart.

But it was his life. Ultimately his decision. And he needed to do what was best for him and his family.

Besides, Virginia was Drew's home, just like Kentucky was hers. If she decided to keep the baby, no law said they needed to live in the same city. Plenty of people with children resided in different states, and everything worked out perfectly for everyone involved.

No reason their situation should differ.


"Do you think you will?" Hope surprised herself by asking.

His brow crinkled. "Will what?"

"Stay and join your grandfather's practice?" All things considered, Hope thought it a valid question.

Drew shook his head. "I really don’t know."

Of course he didn’t. Who would when presented with two such auspicious yet vastly different choices? A partnership offer at a prestigious equine facility was a rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But so was the chance to work alongside the man who inspired his childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian. Both priceless options deserved much thought and consideration.

Hope was glad the decision wasn't hers to make.

"Now I have a question for you,” Drew stated.

"Oh-kay." Hope drew out the word, wondering what Drew was going to ask and bracing herself to hear it.

"It's about the baby."

She had a feeling. "What about the baby?"

"Are we gonna tell my family that you're pregnant?"

"You haven't told them?" Hope had just assumed it was something he would have already shared.

Drew slid a glance in her direction. "I haven't told anyone."

Hope shook her head. "Me neither." Not that she had anyone to tell, but Drew—he had a whole flipping family. Why hadn't he said anything to them? Especially his parents. "Do you not want to tell them?"

"Of course I want to tell them."


He passed a few more vehicles. "I'll be honest, Hope. They'll have a hard time accepting you may want to give the baby up for adoption."

She figured as much. If Sam were alive, he'd feel the same way. God, she wished she had a crystal ball to see into the future. Then everything would be so much simpler. "Do we have to decide right now?"

"No. But it is something we'll have to decide sooner rather than later."

Hope nodded. "I know." And she did. Another thought hit her. "You have told someone besides your grandfather about me coming home with you, haven't you?"

Devilment twinkled in his oh-so-blue eyes. "Pops probably told half the county before I even made it inside the diner that day."

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