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The next day, after assuring Drew she and the baby would be fine, they'd gone riding, helped separate cattle to be culled, enjoyed lunch at one of the family-run diners in town, and visited a few of the locally owned shops. After dinner with Jack, Tess and Holden, they'd returned to the basement apartment to catch up on email and watch a little TV before heading to bed.

Except for the afternoon he'd left Hope with his mother, Drew had never been far from her side. Hope appreciated that he hadn't left her to fend for herself. Still, her overactive hormones combined with Drew's round-the-clock nearness amplified her attraction to him a thousand-fold, making her want to do so much more with him than simply share a bed where all they did was sleep.

And that was only after two days and three nights in Virginia. How in the world was she ever going to survive thirty more?

Groaning inwardly, Hope rolled over and nuzzled Drew's pillow, inhaling his spicy scent as she listened to the hum of the shower on the other side of the bathroom door. Though she'd slept more soundly with Drew beside her than she had in previous weeks, the sexual tension intensified, winding her tighter than an eight-day clock.

Like now, for instance, when all Hope wanted to do was strip naked and join him in the shower. Explore every inch of his gloriously delicious body. Tasting and touching until she drove him as crazy as living in his pocket was driving her.

If she weren't careful, Hope was bound to find herself in another impossible situation. One where she fell head over heels for her baby daddy only to have her heart ripped to shreds when he came to the realization Lone Oaks was where he belonged. With his family. Joining his grandfather's practice.

Returning home.

Hope's heart ached as she imagined what life at Wakefield would be like without him.

Damn you, Sam Logan. If you were still on this earth, I wouldn't be so far away from home, pregnant with my boss's baby, and lusting after him like some under-sexed hormonal teenager. Instead, I'd be home where I belong, having Thanksgiving dinner with you and whoever you decided to invite to our table.

But Sam was gone. And here she was. In Virginia. With Drew. And Hope wasn't sure, if given a choice, she'd want to be anywhere else.

Damn! What the hell was happening to her?

Okay, first, Hope realized there was no point denying she was and had been in deep lust with Drew since he arrived at Wakefield. And seriously, what red-blooded woman wouldn't be? The man was a freaking work of art. But until hopping into his pickup on Monday morning for the long-ass drive to Virginia, her fixation with him hadn't been so...intense.

Three days ago, the spicy scent of his aftershave hadn't intoxicated her as if it were smooth Kentucky bourbon. Her breath hadn't caught in her throat every time he walked into the room. And her girlie parts hadn't exploded at the way the fabric of his shirt and jeans clung to the rock-hard muscles of his arms, torso, and thighs.

Now though, his eyes seemed bluer. His smile warmer. His ass tighter. How in the hell was she going to last the weekend with Drew, let alone another whole month, without spontaneously combusting?

When she heard the buzz of Drew's electric razor, Hope pictured him with nothing more than a towel tied loosely around his lean waist as he stood before the steamed-up mirror above the sink and ran the razor over his chiseled jaw. Was there anything sexier than a man shaving? At the moment, she didn’t think so.

Groaning, Hope rolled back onto her side of the bed, an ache as old as time throbbing through her core.

Ten minutes and a thousand deep breaths later, Drew emerged from the bathroom, his smile quick and warm. "Mornin', sunshine."

Hope's stomach dove straight to her toes. God, she'd never wanted another man more in her life. "Mornin’," she managed to reply without coming apart at the seams. Just looking at him, so big and delicious, warmed her from the inside out.

It wasn't like he looked any different today than any other day she'd seen him. He’d pulled on faded boot-cut jeans and was buttoning a blue chambray shirt as he kicked his well-worn leather boots to his side of the bed. Nothing fancy. Nothing out of the ordinary. Certainly, nothing to make her want to climb him like a tree.

Yet, the moment he sat on the bed to slip his feet into a pair of socks, it took every ounce of willpower Hope had not to strip naked and devour him. That was when she realized she could no longer blame her fierce reaction to Drew on pregnancy hormones alone. Everything she felt for him was too deep. Too elemental.

Too freaking real.

In what would likely be a futile attempt to gain some control over the desire raging through her entire body, Hope sucked in a deep breath and pushed herself to a sitting position on the bed. "You're up kind of early for a holiday." At least her voice didn't sound like belonging to the sexually frustrated woman she’d become.

"I thought I'd give Dad and Reese a hand this morning so all that'll need to be done later is the evening feeding."

"Want me to fix you some breakfast before you go?" Maybe channeling her energies elsewhere would help.

Drew shook his still damp head. "Nah. I'm good." He bent to tie his boots.

"Is there anything I can do?" Like strip you naked and ride you like a Harley on a bad piece of road?

"Maybe if you're up to it, you can check with Mama and see if she could use an extra pair of hands.” He moved to the other boot. “I'll leave the truck here so you can drive up when you're ready."

All things considered, that was probably a better alternative than jumping his bones.

For now, anyway. "How willyouget to the farm?" The main house, barns, and livestock areas were all a good mile away.

Straightening, he looked over his shoulder at her. "Reese is on his way to pick me up."
