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The confusion on Drew's face was priceless. "What the hell is a themed tree?"

Laughing, Hope shook her head. "Never mind. You just answered my question." Which she should have realized, since Anna Blackwood didn't remind her of a woman who would have a flocked tree decorated with color-coordinated ornaments, garlands, and bows.

"Our trees were always full of stuff like that." Drew nodded in the direction of the bin with all the boys' homemade goodies. "Or keepsakes Mama has collected or been given over the years. Souvenirs from vacations. A big ol' hodgepodge."

"A tree full of memories," Hope preferred to call it.

Drew nodded. "Yeah. Pretty much."

"Good." She turned her attention to the boys. "Since you're staying at your Gram's, you'll probably want to put your ornaments on the tree at the main house so you can see and enjoy them while sharing them with everyone who visits during the holidays, right?"

Zach looked at Alex for confirmation. "Yeah. Gram's tree is always ginormous. There'll be lots of room."

And if there wasn't, Hope had no doubt Anna would find the space. "Okay, then, let's search for what we can use on this tree," Hope suggested as she and the boys sorted through several of the other containers.

The door at the top of the steps opened. "Everyone decent?" Zeke bellowed, his booming voice startling Hope and prompting both boys to race toward the staircase.

"Pops! Come look at the tree. Uncle Drew and Hope took us to get it, and we're helping them decorate it and ev'rything," Zach announced.

"And they said we could put colored lights on it too," Alex added.

"I can see that," Zeke replied as he allowed his great-grandsons to drag him toward the tree for a closer look.

"What'dya think?" Alex wanted to know.

"I think it's the best-looking tree I've seen this year," he complimented with exactly the right amount of enthusiasm and admiration. "You're gonna put some decorations on it, aren't ya?"

"A'course, Pops." Zach rolled his blue eyes at what he considered an absurd question. "You wanna help?"

"Wish I could," he answered, and Hope thought he really did look sorry that he wouldn't be able to lend a hand. "But I gotta go tend to a sick horse at O'Malley's." He shifted his attention to Drew. "I know I said we'd start Monday, but I was hoping you'd be able to come along on this one."

"What seems to be the problem, Pops?" Alex asked.

"She's trying to foal, only it's not time yet." His gaze returned to Drew. "I'm likely to need some help."

Drew nodded. "Sure." He stopped short, as if realizing that would mean cutting out on the tree-trimming festivities with Hope and the boys.

"Good. I need to check some things in the truck. Come on out when you're ready." With that, he headed back up the stairs.

"Boys, why don't you go ahead and start hanging some ornaments where you can reach while I help your Uncle Drew gather what he needs to help Pops."

Happy to oblige, Alex and Zach jumped right to the task.

Drew followed Hope to the door. “I’m sorry about this,” he apologized, grabbing his coat and hat off the hook. “And I have no idea how long this might take,” he added as he pulled on his jacket.

"Don’t worry about that,” Hope assured him. “Will it be okay for the boys to stay here while you're gone? Or should I take them back to Reese?"

His brows knitted together. "Are you okay with them staying here?"

"Sure. It's just that it's been less than a week since Reese even met me. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable leaving my children in the care of a virtual stranger."

"They've been with us all day."

"Right.With us. Your brother entrusted them intoyourcare. Not mine."

Laughter made the dimples in Drew's cheeks deepen, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "It's more likely he only entrusted them to me because he knew you were going to be with us, considering my level of knowledge on the care of anything outside of the four-legged variety is pretty slim."

But you've been taking excellent care of me for weeks.It was true. Even before her father's diagnosis, Drew always seemed to look out for her in some capacity. Lately, though, he'd really gone above and beyond.
