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Nodding, Anna blew on her coffee before taking the first sip. "Yes. Praise the Lord." She set her cup down. "I love those boys with all my heart, but I also love to see the school bus pull up every morning."

"When do they break for the holidays?"

"Friday is their last day until after New Year's. I may need professional help by the time they go back."

Hope laughed. "They are full of endless energy, for sure."

"I've appreciated every second you've helped out with them these past few weeks."

"I've enjoyed it." And she had. Plus, it had given her a glimpse into what to expect in a few years. "Can I make you some breakfast?"

"Heavens, no." Curling her hands around the mug, Anna leaned forward. "I suppose you're wondering why I’m here."

The thought had crossed her mind, but Hope figured Anna was either being hospitable or needed a diversion from her usual routine. "I hope it wasn't to see Drew."

"No." She took another sip of coffee. "I actually came to see you."

Yeah, that clarification did absolutely nothing to ease Hope's mind. Since there were so many directions this conversation could go, it was all Hope could do to keep her nerves from jumping straight into overdrive.

"I've alarmed you," Anna observed quickly. "That wasn't my intent."

Great, either she reads minds or my emotions are written all over my face. Hope didn't know what was worse. "Not so much alarmed as curious."

Anna's dark gaze met and held Hope's. "I don't want to come across as some meddlesome and prying old mother hen."

"But you're concerned about your son."

"A mother's curse. No matter how old they are or how far away they go, it's impossible not to worry. Eli and I did our best to give them the tools they'd need to make good decisions and become productive citizens in the world. For the most part, I think we succeeded."

"I would have to agree."

"But that doesn't explain why I'm here, though, does it?"

"I imagine you have some questions regarding the nature of my relationship with your son." What mother wouldn't?

"Just one."

Surprised, Hope swallowed hard. "Okay." Nodding, she folded her hands on the table and sat up a little straighter. "What would you like to know?" Hope asked and braced herself for Anna's response.

Her brown eyes settled on Hope. "When my grandbaby is due?"

Stunned, Hope's breath caught in her throat. Of all the questions Anna could have asked, Hope never saw that one coming. Nope. Didn't even make Hope's top one million things Anna Blackwood might want to know.

What was worse? Anna expected Hope to give her an answer, which should be relatively easy considering there was only one—May 4. Yet when Hope finally pulled herself together enough to respond, she asked a question of her own. "How did you know?"

A smile crinkled the corners of Anna's eyes. "Honestly? I wasn't a hundred percent sure until now." Her smile curved into a grin, and Hope saw Drew in the gesture. "But I was pretty confident. Obviously, huh? Or I wouldn't have just blurted out what I wanted to know."

"Probably not."

Anna set her coffee aside and reached across the table for one of Hope's hands. "I'm not here to judge, Hope."

That, at least, was a huge relief.


"What made you suspect I might be pregnant?"

“Well, having four children of my own, I recognized some of the signs.”
