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"What about your father?"

Hope narrowed her gaze. "What about him?"

"Don't you think you have just as much of a chance, if not more, of being the kind of parent he was to you rather than your mother, who chose to walk away?"

Once again, Anna's response surprised Hope. Knocking her a little off guard. But making a lot of sense. "Yeah. It does."

"But you're still scared."

Hope nodded. "I know it's normal, especially for first-time parents. Thatissomething Drew and I have talked about." She managed a small smile. "He's scared too."

"Of course he is. And you're right. It is normal to be tied up in knots at the prospect of becoming a parent." Anna smiled, the gesture warming her brown eyes. "When I first found out I was pregnant with Reese, I was a basket case. So was Eli. But with Drew, the fear wasn't as intense because we had some idea of what to expect."

That made sense. Everyone experienced some level of trepidation about the unknown. Having a baby wouldn't be any different. Probably worse.

The two of them returned to the table. Hope grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge, handing one to Anna before sitting down. "I want you to know I never meant for this to happen."

"You didn't get yourself pregnant, Hope. Therefore, the responsibility isn't yours to bear alone either."

"But Iamresponsible. If I hadn't found out my father was dying on the same day Drew and I failed to save a foal, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But as soon as I realized we couldn't do anything more for the colt, my world simply imploded. I couldn't breathe. Or think. Inside I felt like everything was shattering into a million pieces. The pain was excruciating. I just wanted it all to go away, to escape the reality of my situation for a little while. I should never have invited Drew to stay for pizza and Patron. Instead, I should have insisted he go home so I could drown my sorrows alone."

Hope dared a glance at Anna. "But I didn't. And that makes me responsible, because if I had made better decisions, Drew and I would have never ended up sleeping together."

A few silent beats passed between them. "Do you want to know what I think?" Anna asked but didn't wait for Hope to reply. "I think you both had choices. Drew's a big boy. And he could have left any time he wanted. That he chose to stay tells me he was right where he wanted to be."

Hadn't Drew admitted as much to Hope on several occasions? "But our choices that night continue to complicate everything else."

"Life is full of complications, Hope. Some are natural and inevitable. Some can be avoided or at least alleviated. Some, no matter what, just are. The hardest part for us is figuring out how to navigate through them while staying true to ourselves in the process."

The very dilemma with which Hope was struggling when Anna showed up at the door. Too bad no epiphany had struck in the last forty minutes.

Well, except one.

"So much hinges on whether Drew decides to return to the equine clinic or stay here to work with Doc." Hope concentrated her gaze on tearing off the water bottle's label. "But Lone Oaks is where Drew belongs."


Hope jerked her eyes to Anna's.

"A month ago, I would've agreed. Now, I'm not so sure."

"I don't understand." And she didn't.

"Oh, don't get me wrong," Anna answered. "Nothing would make me happier than to have all my boys back home. But where Drew decides to hang his shingle is not my decision. Nor is it only about what he and Zeke once dreamed about having together. Now, it's about what's best for you, Drew, and the baby."

"And since Drew's made it clear he intends to be a full-time, hands-on father, the decision falls to me by default. Because regardless of all else, Drew's choice will be to live and work wherever his child resides."

"Have you and Drew discussed this at all?"

Hope shook her head. "Only superficially. Nothing in depth."

"Then, don't you think it's about time you did?"

Hadn't Hope drawn the same conclusion earlier? "Yeah. We should. It's just..." Hope wrestled with how to articulate her biggest concern to the mother of her baby daddy.

"What?" Anna prompted.

No need to hold back now,that little voice insisted.Not after everything else you've admitted to her today. Hope drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "The complications I alluded to before? Well, a discussion on where to live and work would be a whole lot easier if Drew and I could better define our relationship."
