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Pun definitely intended.

Eli inclined his head toward Hope. "I think our new Momma needs some rest," he alerted his wife.

"Of course she does," Anna readily agreed. Rising, she reluctantly handed the baby to Drew before leaning down to press a kiss on Hope's cheek. "You need to get some sleep," Anna insisted.

"I will," Hope assured her mother-in-law. "Thanks so much for being here."

Anna squeezed Hope's hand. "I told you wild horses couldn’t keep me away." She straightened and leveled one of her arched-brow looks at Drew. "You make sure she gets some rest."

"Yes, ma'am."

She leaned in and kissed Drew's cheek. "You do good work," she whispered.

"I got it. Honest," he replied with a smile he'd been wearing since the first moment he'd laid eyes on his beautiful daughter.

"Anna," Eli called from the door. "I'm sure they'll let you come back later."

Rolling her eyes, she smiled down at her granddaughter and then looked back at Hope. "It'll be all right, won't it? If we come back later, I mean."

"Like we could keep you away," Drew muttered, his eyes twinkling as he purposely yanked his mother's chain.

"Of course you can come back later," Hope assured her.

"Anna. Let's go," Eli prompted with a sweep of his hand toward the open door.

"Okay, okay." She bent to kiss Samantha's soft cheek once more and then turned to precede her husband out of the room.

"Ten dollars says she's back within the hour."

"Be grateful she wants to spend time with her granddaughter."

"Tell me how grateful you are when she moves in with us."

Hope shook her head. "You're terrible."

"But you love me anyway."

Her heart swelled inside her chest. "You're right. I do."

"I love you too. More and more each day." Cradling the baby, Drew leaned over and gave Hope a long, tender kiss. "Now, get some rest. You deserve it."

She nodded. "You can put her in the bassinet, you know."

"I will. In a little bit." As Drew held their daughter, a look of pure adoration in his beautiful blue eyes, Hope couldn't help but smile. Right there was her entire world. The child she loved more than life itself and the man she loved with every breath in her body.

Life surely couldn't get much better than that.

The End
