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“One year, they even had a boa constrictor on display. I’m glad to see it’s not here this year.” Holly rested her forearms atop the metal fence, her gaze focused on the girls as they ran from pen to pen, arms flailing and chattering up a storm. But they politely listened when the owners answered questions from the crowd and provided “fun facts” about their pets, all of which Emme and Wren absorbed like a sponge.

Chace was sure he and Holly would heareverythingthe twins had learned before they got back home. Then they’d probably listen to it all again when they shared the day's events with Lyss.

“Still not a fan of snakes?”

Holly shot him a sidelong glance. “I willneverbe a fan of snakes. Or spiders. Or any other creepy crawly critter.”

“They’re just as scared of you as you are of them.” How many times had he used that same reasoning with her when they were together? Too many to count. But there were times that her arachnophobia and herpetophobia played to his advantage. Like when he could exercise his heroic abilities by ridding the area of the offending creatures. Or offer protection by wrapping her in his arms, even carrying her to safety.

But his all-time favorite was devising ways to distract Holly from her paralyzing fears by driving her, and himself, to distraction by loving her with his hands, mouth, tongue, and body.

His skin tightened, as did the denim around his groin. If memories were all it took to arouse him to the point of sporting wood, what the hell would happen if he actually touched her? Before his thoughts could travel farther down that dangerous path, Chace forced himself to think of something,anything, to diffuse the growing situation in his boxer briefs.

A cold shower. A wintry scene. Icicles. Snow.

Slowly but surely, everything south of his border seemed to return to its normal state. Well, as normal as possible with Holly standing close enough for him to smell the cinnamon and vanilla scent clinging to her skin.

“Uncle Chace! Aunt Holly! Come see the puppies.”

“This could be trouble.” Holly sighed.

They began walking toward the pen where black, brown, and tan furballs scampered around and on the twins. “Why do you say that?”

“Because ever since Sean’s been deployed, they’ve been begging Lyss to get them a dog.”

“I’m guessing she’s not in favor of the idea?”

“It isn’t that she doesn’t want to get a dog. She just wants to wait before adding anything else that needs extra care.” She looked at him. “Assuming the role of both parents for Emme and Wren while working a full-time job is exhausting enough as it is.”

Chace got that. The long hours and amount of traveling his job entailed kept him from getting so much as a goldfish, let alone a dog.

“I help as much as possible, but it’s stilla loton her plate.”

“She’s never said anything to me,” Chace replied more to himself than in response to Holly, but when he looked at her, he read the expression on her face loud and clear.Would it have made any difference if she had?

Eight years ago? Obviously not. Otherwise, they wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Instead, he’d have left the Rangers, married the love of his life, and been available for whatever his sister needed while her husband was deployed.

Today? Well, he was no longer in Cairo, now, was he?

Nope. When Lyss had called for his help, Chace had dropped everything to do as she asked. Yeah, the circumstances were a bit different now than they’d been eight years ago. He was older. Had more options. And after everything he’d seen and done, both in the military and as a civilian, as well as the choices he’d made—or in some cases didn’t make—Chace had learned some valuable life lessons.

Like what, but most significantlywhoshould always take precedence above all else.

His family and Holly McCade.


Holiday music flowed through the strategically placed speakers as dusk fell over Hickory Ridge. In the hour that had passed since Holly and Chace managed to pry the twins away from the petting zoo, they’d scoped out a couple of shops, purchased a few souvenirs, and scarfed down four chicken tender and fries specials from one of the food trucks lining the closed-off streets.

As they walked toward the center of town for the tree lighting, the darkening sky provided the perfect backdrop for the white lights outlining every building, the twinkling garlands of holly circling each lamppost, and the festive decorations, both amateur and professional, illuminating most storefront windows.

Despite the chill in the air, warmth bloomed inside Holly as she reveled in the picturesque scene surrounding them. A huge fan of most holidays, Christmas was her all-time favorite. From the story of Jesus’s birth to spending time with friends and family to the true magic of the season, there was nothing about Christmas she disliked.

Except for the year she’d given Chace back his ring and broken their engagement. Even then, Holly never lost her love for the holiday—only the man she’d expected to share every single holiday with forever.

That year, though Holly celebrated with her family, she hadn’t participated in Christmas in Hickory Ridge. She couldn’t. Not when everything was still so raw from losing Chace. When everything and everyone she encountered would only remind her of him. What they had. How her world always seemed brighter with him in it. More meaningful.

