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Nodding, Chace wadded up the napkin and tossed it into the empty bowl. “Which stands to reason since wearethe girls’ godparents. Plus, Holly is around them a lot more than I am.”

“Still…” Holden’s voice trailed off.

“Yeah. I know.” Boy, did he ever.

Spending time in the company of Holly McCade was challenging under normal circumstances, such as a few hours here and there for birthday parties and holidays. But being thrown together for who knew how long to take care of their goddaughters,histwin nieces? Well, that threw a whole different spin on things.

One Chace wasn’t sure he was adequately prepared to handle.

Thelma reappeared. “You boys can catch up later,” she stated, neither her tone nor facial expression brooking any argument as she gathered Chace’s empty dishes. “You have nieces to tend to.” Though still half full, she plucked Holden’s tea glass. “And your wife is waiting for you down the street,” she added, turning on her crepe-soled heel and disappearing behind the swinging door.

“I think we’ve been dismissed.”

“Well, it’s not the first time.”

“And unlikely to be the last,” Holden agreed as they rose from their stools.

When they both reached for their wallets, they heard Thelma’s gravelly voice from the kitchen. “Your money’s no good here tonight. Now git.”

Laughing, Holden plucked a business card from his wallet. “Let’s get together while you’re here.”

“Most definitely.” He pocketed the card. “I have lots of stories to share with your wife.” Chace grinned. “Plus, I need to hear how that raven-haired beauty got Hickory Ridge’s infamous ladies’ man to the altar.”

“Not when the better story is how I gotherthere,” Holden countered, devilment glimmering in his eyes.

Wow. Not the response Chace expected from his high school buddy at all.

Clapping a hand on Chace’s shoulder, Holden laughed at what Chace suspected was the stunned expression on his face. “It’s a doozy,” Holden assured him. “Meantime, good luck with Holly and the twins.”

“Thanks, man.”

They repeated the combo bro hug-handshake. “Keep us posted on Sean, and let us know if you need anything.”

“Will do,” Chace promised as Holden shouted a thank you to Thelma and headed out the door.

Chace was shrugging into his leather jacket when Thelma reappeared. “You still here?”

“Just leaving,” Chace answered.

Thelma met and held his gaze. “I know this isn’t easy for you. Holly either. But right now, the two of you need to work together for the sake of Sean, Lyss, and the twins.”

“I know.” And he’d do his damnedest not to allow the history he and his ex-fiancée shared to get in the way.


The closer Chace got to his sister’s house, the more his anxiety manifested. His stomach churned to the point he feared tossing the chili he’d just consumed. His jaw ached from grinding his molars. And the palms of his hands were slick from sweat as he white-knuckled the steering wheel.

Forcing air into and out of his lungs, Chace berated himself for allowing his emotions to get the better of him. Especially considering he was specially trained to control his thoughts and feelings and focus solely on the task at hand. Which, in this case, meant teaming with Holly McCade to take care of his nieces.

In the absence of their parents.

For as long as necessary.

That she was the woman he’d comethis closeto marrying eight years ago should not factor into the equation whatsoever. Just like it shouldn’t matter that Holly was also the youngest sister of Alex McCade, his immediate supervisor at SSI. The same man who’d expeditiously found a suitable replacement for Chace’s current assignment and personally processed the paperwork for his emergency furlough.

Not for the first time in the last thirty hours, Chace wondered if Holly had intervened with her brother on his behalf. Well, not strictly for him, but because Lyss was Holly’s best friend, and Holly knew what his sister wanted.

Doesn’t make any difference either way, his subconscious mind insisted.
