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“You mean when we were flying the plane while trying to put it together?” Laughing, she shook her head. “I hate to show my ignorance, but until March of 2020, I’d never heard of, let alone used, Zoom, Google Classroom, Screencastify, or half a dozen other available forms of technology. Nor had I ever taught a class virtually, which was an experience in and of itself.”

“Good or bad?”

“Neither, really. Just different. And so many extra steps we wouldn’t have had if teaching in person. Everything had to be loaded online. Meetings needed to be scheduled with links provided for the students to join. And if they did—which most didn’t—they didn’t turn on their cameras, so we taught to a bunch of tiles with empty silhouettes and names. In addition, we had to remember to record the class so it could be uploaded and posted online for those who couldn’t attend to watch later.”

Applying deeper pressure, Chace rubbed his fingers and thumb up and down the muscle of her calf. “Sounds like a huge learning curve.”

“That, it was.”

“Have things gotten better since?”

She laughed again. “Unfortunately, that brings us back to where this conversation started, with policies and procedures created by those with little to no firsthand educational experience.”

“Ever thought of doing something else?”

Opening her eyes, Holly met his soulful brown gaze. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “When things get hectic, I consider what else I could do. But then everything seems to settle back into manageable tasks. Besides, as I said before, the teaching part has never been the problem.” Man, his hands felt incredible as he worked out the knots in her legs and feet. “What about you? Have you ever considered doing anything else other than saving the world?”

“Would it matter if I have?”

His response surprised her. Holly couldn’t help but wonder if his question was merely asked out of curiosity or was a prelude to something more. The uncertainty compelled Holly to choose her answer with caution. “Only if it’s what you want and will make you happy.”

Like his was to her, Holly doubted Chace expected the answer she’d given him. But it was the best she had to offer. When she’d broken their engagement, she hadn’t asked him to give up his career as a Ranger, and she wasn’t about to do so now that he worked in the private sector. That was a decision Chace needed to make by and for himself.

Still, a tiny glimmer of hope flickered to life inside her.

Chace gave her foot one final squeeze. “Better?”

“Gloriously.” Holly propped up on her elbows. “I feel like I need to return the favor, though.”

“You are.” Chace reached for her hand and pulled her against his side. “Just by sitting here with me to admire our wicked tree decorating skills.”

Relieved her response hadn’t broken the mood, Holly curled into him and rested her head on his shoulder. “I can do that.”

The pine-like fragrance of the Douglas fir enveloped them as the lights twinkled brightly on the ornament-laden tree. With one arm around her shoulder, Chace took her hand and kissed her palm before laying their hands on his chest directly above his heart. “Aside from the exhaustion, I hope you had a good time today.”

“I did.” That much she could admit.

He squeezed her hand. “So did I.”

Leaning back, she looked up at him. “What was your favorite part?”

Grinning, Chace lifted something off the table behind the couch and held it above her head. “Why, the mistletoe, of course,” he answered, a heated gleam in his eyes as he cupped her face and claimed her mouth with his.

Holly expected hard, fast, and demanding. What she got was soft, slow, and almost hesitant. As if he were seeking permission. Or didn’t want to risk scaring her away. Whatever his reasoning, the tentative tenderness in the brush of his lips against hers unleashed a firestorm of need deep within her soul.

Even had she wanted to, Holly could no longer contain the whimpering moans of pleasure Chace elicited with his featherlight kisses. Neither could she keep from pulling him closer or opening her mouth to invite his tongue to dance with hers.

An invitation he immediately accepted with a sexy moan of his own that shot straight to her core. Holly’s blood heated, turning her entire body into a blazing inferno. But just when she thought she might disintegrate into a pile of ashes, Chace began to slow the kiss down without stopping completely.

Instead, he traced the tip of his tongue around the edge of her lips. Then he nibbled. Tasted. Suckled. Holly returned each gesture in full until their breathing calmed and their heart rates settled into a more regular rhythm.

Chace rested his forehead against hers. Apparently, he was as reluctant as she was to break their connection completely. “So that you know, the last thing I wanted to do was stop.”

Holly’s stomach somersaulted to her knees. “I know.” She hesitated but decided to finish her thought anyway. “Me neither.”

When Chace exhaled slowly, Holly wondered if it was a sign of relief. And she couldn’t help herself from hoping that it was.

Easing back, Chace lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I have missed you something fierce, Holly McCade.”
