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As they descended back to earth and their breathing settled into a normal rhythm again, Chace wrapped his arm around Holly, pulling her against his side, her head on his shoulder and her hand splayed on his chest over his heart. He’d never felt as content in his entire life.

Chace laced his fingers through hers, bringing her palm to his lips. “Youwere amazing.”

She snuggled closer. “I wasn’t here by myself.”

Laughing softly, Chace pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “No, you most certainly were not.” There were so many things Chace wanted to say. Questions he wanted to ask. Promises he wanted to make.

But he refrained. Right now, patience was essential as they continued to explore the second chance they’d agreed to give themselves. What was that saying?Slow and steady wins the race?

Chace hoped so, because the last thing he wanted was to return to where they’d ended up eight years ago. If that happened, they would definitely be over.

For good.

There was no way they’d ever recover from a second breakup.

That meant Chace needed to make some decisions. From their earlier conversation about his leaving the military and going to work for Steele Security and Investigations, Holly obviously equated the move to jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

Maybe it was.

Reflecting on the assignments he’d accepted over the last few years at SSI, he couldn’t deny the risks associated with many of them. Granted, none took place in combat zones, but they had consisted of kidnapping attempts, assassination threats, witness protection, and run-of-the-mill bodyguard missions, each with the potential to escalate into dangerous territory quickly and without warning.

To date, Chace’s cases had all ended without bloodshed.

Did they have loose cannons?


Close calls?

More than he cared to remember.



But no loss of lives, for which Chace was eternally grateful. He’d experienced enough of that to last a lifetime while serving his country.

“You sure are quiet over there.” Raising her head, Holly propped her chin atop her folded hands on his chest. “Not having any regrets, I hope.”

“No.” He brushed a few loose hairs away from her beautiful face. “Never.”

She arched a brow. “Never?”

Chace shook his head. “Never about time spent with you, Holly.” It was the truth. “But I will admit to one regret where you’re concerned.”

He felt as well as heard her quick intake of breath at his response. Saw the flicker of concern surface in her doe-like eyes before she asked, “What do you regret?” Her voice was soft, barely audible, as if she feared his answer.

There was no need. At least, he didn’t think so.

“I regret not fighting.” Propping up on his elbows, he held her gaze. “For us.”

Pressing her lips together, Holly swallowed hard. “I should have probably been more reasonable with my expectations.”

“You’d just lost your brother, Holly.”

“Still no reason for me to take things out on you.”

“You didn’t take things out on me.”
