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“Then put your trust in him,” he advised as an older brother should. “And when he contacts you—"

“I’ll tell him you called.”

* * *

Where the hell was he?

After checking her phone for the nine hundredth time, Holly gave up on the hope Chace would return to take the twins ice skating.

Or that he even would call.

Or that he was coming back at all.

Other than for his sister and nieces, why should he? She’d insulted him. Practically branded him a liar. All while he was actually considering a career change. Or at least taking his career in a different direction.A safer direction. But rather than being rational and keeping her own promise, she’d automatically assumed the worst without giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Fear. Such a little word to impact so much.

But what exactly was she so afraid of? Losing Chace? Well, she’d done that all on her own without any assistance from his potentially life-threatening job as an Army Ranger. Being so afraid of taking a chance and enjoying the present without worrying about the future, she’d done nothing but rob them of the last eight years.

Did she really want to lose even more?

Maybe she should text him. Just to be sure he was all right. Despite typing out the words a dozen times, Holly never hit send. Nor did she tap the call icon the other thirty times she’d pulled up his number.

With every second that ticked by, Holly kicked herself in the ass. Not only for how she’d reacted the night before but for leaving him in the first place. How could she be so stupid when being with the one person she loved most in the world, however long or short the adventure, was all that ever really mattered?

When the grandfather clock struck one, Holly decided Chace wasn’t going to call, text, or return. Since she’d promised to take the twins ice skating if he weren’t back in time, they might as well get ready and leave.

“C’mon, girls. Grab your coats and skates.” The time for wallowing in self-pity and living in fear was over. It was definitely time she moved forward.

“He’s here. Uncle Chace is here!” Emme squealed.

Holly’s hand flew to her chest as her heart leaped for joy behind her sternum. Tears of relief and gratitude washed over her entire being as she raced to the foyer, the twins hot on her heels. Holly prepared to launch herself into his arms. Apologize profusely. Plead for his forgiveness. And beg him never to leave her again.

But when she opened the door, Chace wasn’t alone.


Impeccably dressed, the blonde bombshell from next door flicked her thickly lashed blue eyes over Holly’s oversized shapeless hoodie and ratty leggings. Then, she genuinely smiled. “Hello, Holly.”

The twins shouldered their way between Holly and their guests. “Uncle Chace! Are you finally here to take us ice skating?”

Chace dropped to one knee to be on eye level with his nieces. “Yes, only a little later, okay? Right now, I need you to go with Ms. Bodine because I have something I need to talk to your Aunt Holly about.”

Emme wrinkled her nose. “Grownup stuff?” she guessed.

“Yes. So, if you two will go with Ms. Bodine now, I promise we’ll go skating and anything else within reason you want to do later.” He lifted a brow. “Deal?”

Both girls looked up at Holly. What could she do but agree, since she’d already made enough scenes with this man to last them a lifetime? “It’s okay.”

“And you’re sure we’ll still get to go ice skating at Morningstar Farm?” Wren needed to be sure.

Holly nodded. “Positive.”

Both girls turned back to Chace. “Deal,” they agreed before sprinting for their coats, zipping them as they returned. “Can we take Maisy for a walk?” Emme asked as they squeezed out the door past Willow and Chace.

“Sure,” Willow answered to thin air. She turned back to Holly. “I’ll take good care of them,” she promised with another genuinely warm smile.

Yeah, maybe Holly had misjudged the divorcee. “I appreciate this, Willow.” And she did.
