Page 23 of Corrupted Kingdom

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I resisted the strange impulse to smile along with him. Just because he’s smiling doesn’t mean he’s a nice guy.

‘Go fuck yourself,’ I replied. Go fuck yourself seemed to be my go-to response when cornered by strange men.

‘Huh,’ he said, something I couldn’t decipher coming alight in his eyes. Anger? Excitement? Whatever it was, it thrilled down my spine even as it scared the crap out of me. ‘I don’t blame you for being shy,’ he said, jerking a thumb at Murphy. ‘I wouldn’t want to spend one more minute with him than I had to, either.’

I shot Murphy a fuck-you smile, and to my surprise, he grinned.

‘Oh, honey,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘Good luck.’ He walked to the door, picking up his duffel bag on the way. ‘You’re gonna need it.’

‘Wait,’ the VP said, addressing Murphy but still not taking his eyes from mine.

Murphy stopped stiffly in the doorway, his gaze fixed firmly on his car outside.

‘Did you touch her?’

Murphy chuckled. ‘Sure. A little. I didn’t sample the merchandise though, if that’s what you’re asking.’

I glanced down to see the biker’s fist clench tightly.

‘Did he hurt you?’ he asked, his gaze intense enough to make the tiny fine hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

I shook my head slowly, unable to form words under the pressure of his black eyes.

‘Get the fuck out of here,’ he said to Murphy. Murphy was out of the door and shutting himself in the car before anyone else could stop him. Asshole.

‘You two, wait for us outside.’

Without hesitation, the two other bikers hauled out of the room, slamming the door in their wake.

And then, it was just me and the VP who thought I looked crazy.

‘My name’s Dornan,’ the biker said.

Dornan? My blood turned to ice in my veins as I realised who he was. Dornan Ross. I’d never laid eyes on him, but the chatter among the families of my father’s business associates had painted a picture of cruelty and bloodshed that was just as bad, if not worse, than Emilio’s lethal reputation.

‘Emilio’s son Dornan?’ I asked, hoping desperately that I was wrong.

He gave a short nod. Great.

‘Seems an awfully big party to greet one little girl, Dornan,’ I said, looking outside to the assembly of bikers. I desperately wanted to change the subject before he asked me my name. Before he asked me anything about myself. Because he was so suave, I was afraid I’d spill all my secrets before he’d even asked me. ‘You afraid I’ll do something?’

He dropped his gaze only to check me out. I felt naked under his eyes as he let them roam slowly over every part of me.

‘Are you afraid you’ll do something?’ he asked. He still looked amused. Beneath my latent fascination with him, I felt the vague stirrings of irritation at his casual nature. I was a piece of property, for shit’s sake. And he was talking to me like he was about to hit on me in a bar and buy me a goddamn strawberry daiquiri.

‘You do this a lot?’ I asked abruptly.

He took a step closer. I took a step back. It was timed so well, it was almost as if we were dancing some sort of macabre waltz.

He laughed when we moved in unison.

‘Depends,’ he replied, ‘on what this is.’

‘Pick up pretty girls for your daddy?’ I shot back.

Something passed over his face for a moment and settled in his eyes. Something hard. And then, I blinked, and it was gone again.

‘Sure,’ he said, and his voice had changed somehow. Become more reserved, more guarded. Damn. The only person who’d shown me the tiniest bit of normality, and I had just alienated him. As usual, I was running off at the mouth before I thought about what I was actually saying.
