Page 50 of Corrupted Kingdom

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He rolled his eyes. ‘I’m not letting you up off this bed until you’ve got a full check and a pretty, tight, bare pussy.’

‘You’re making my pussy pretty so you can sell me off to some pervert who’ll keep me chained in his basement? What a powerful man you are.’

‘The customer is always right.’ Murphy grinned. ‘And the customer wants bare pussy.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘So, most of the girls you sell are actual virgins? You’d have to get them pretty young to ensure that, right?’

He let go of one of my wrists and slapped me across the face. I relished the pain as my cheek stung.

‘Let’s hurry this along,’ Murphy told the doctor. Emilio re-entered my line of sight, and I was even more mortified.

I struggled against Murphy’s grip and the restraints on my ankles, but it was no use. I couldn’t budge, spread-eagled in the stirrups, my most intimate of places centimetres from the unspeaking doctor’s face.

I shivered in revulsion when Emilio leaned over my leg and trailed his index finger up my thigh, sinking it into me without any warning. It hurt — I wasn’t exactly wet, after being finger-fucked by Murphy. It’s not like the experience had been a turn-on, after all.

He withdrew his finger and laughed, a deep boom that rattled my chest.

‘I should make you tighter,’ he taunted me. ‘I should punish you for being disobedient. Sew you up so tight, you’re a virgin again.’ The bastard made his thumb and index finger into a circle, then watched my face intently as he curled his fingers tighter until the circle was tiny.

Sew me up? Down there? No way.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the doctor start to thread a needle with thin, translucent thread.

Jesus Christ. He couldn’t possibly —

‘Wait!’ I yelled. Suddenly I was breathing so fast, I was probably in danger of passing out. ‘I’ll do whatever you want.’

Emilio tipped his head to the side, grinning. He loved my fear, I could tell. Men like him lived on the fright of subservient humans.

He snapped his fingers and the guy between my thighs handed over the needle. Emilio’s mouth twitched as he brought it up to my eye, his other hand fisting my hair to stop me from shrinking away. Beads of sweat gathered at my temples as the tiny, sharp needle got closer and closer to my eye, so close that the tip of it blurred completely.

‘Whatever I want?’ Emilio asked.

‘Yes,’ I panted. ‘Please, I’m sorry. Anything.’

Emilio grinned, withdrawing the needle. I gasped as I watched it fall neatly into the breast pocket of his suit, such a tiny scrap of metal, but a violent threat to keep me toeing the line.

‘Remember this when you talk out of turn,’ he said. ‘Remember what you are to me. What I am to you.’

I bit back angry tears. He owned me for life. The present I could somehow handle, but my future? It was almost too much to bear.

The guy between my legs scooted closer, his movements hesitant and slow.

Hurry up, I wanted to urge, but I refused to show any more weakness in front of these men. Instead, I laid back and braced myself for the pain.

And found his eyes, piercing into mine.

Not Emilio’s.


In the shadows, his blue eyes gleamed with amusement. And something else.


‘I’ll leave you to it, doc,’ Emilio said, walking out into the hallway. A second later, he ducked his head back in and called out to Murphy, ‘You coming?’

‘If it’s all the same to you, boss,’ Murphy said, grinning, ‘I think I’d rather watch.’
