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“Either way, it’ll be a day to remember,” Grandma Evelyn said, reassuringly squeezing my hand. “Now, let’s get back to the B&B and finish getting you ready!”

The sun danced enchantingly, casting glimmers of fairy-like light off the chrome windscreen of the vintage white Cadillac. The car seemed to have captured a piece of the heavens as it gleamed. Sam had chauffeured me in this spellbinding vehicle from the B&B, and Ava and Grandma Evelyn sat on either side of me, their eyes shining with pride and happiness.

Feeling the soft fabric brush against my skin, I couldn’t help but admire my wedding dress in the reflection of the car window. It was a flowing A-line gown with delicate lace details tracing patterns reminiscent of the waves at Pebble Point Beach. The dress hugged me comfortably at the waist before cascading down in soft layers, making me feel like I was floating on a cloud. Instead of a veil, a dainty silver hairpin adorned with tiny pearls held my long blonde hair in a loose, romantic updo, allowing a few wisps to frame my face.

As for a floppy sun hat, I had forgone one today, allowing the gentle spring sun to kiss my face. Ava had done wonders with my makeup, keeping it minimalistic yet radiant. A touch of mascara accentuates my blue eyes, a hint of blush gives me that rosy bridal glow and a soft pink lip completes the look. It was me, just a more ethereal version, and I felt beautiful.

Grasping my bouquet of wildflowers and cherry blossoms, I took a deep breath, my heart fluttering excitedly.

“Ready, Mia?” Ava asked, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Absolutely,” I replied, beaming at her.

As we made our way towards the makeshift altar, I couldn’t help but marvel at the blooming backdrop of Pebble Point. The vibrant colors of spring seemed to dance around us, painting the world in pastel hues.

“You look stunning!” Grandma Evelyn whispered, and I felt my cheeks flush with warmth.

“Thank you, Grandma,” I murmured, feeling utterly grateful for her love and support.

Max’s suit was tailored impeccably to his well-built frame, accentuating his broad shoulders and emphasizing his height. The deep charcoal gray of the material highlighted the silver streaks in his short-cropped dark hair, giving him an air of mature distinction. A crisp white shirt peeked from underneath, accompanied by a muted blue tie that mirrored the calmness of Pebble Point’s ocean hues. While he wasn’t in his sheriff uniform, there was no mistaking the bearing of a man used to responsibility, a hint of his usual authoritative presence softened by the occasion.

Up ahead, Max stood tall and dapper in his suit, his entire being radiating both nervousness and immense joy. His contemplative brown eyes, always observing and protective, glistened with pride and vulnerability. Lines of experience framed them, a testament to years of service, duty, and the weight of moral choices. But today, they also carried a softness, a promise of a future filled with love and partnership.

The light sun-kissed his slightly weathered skin, telling tales of countless days spent outdoors upholding law and order. Max often communicated with measured, steady tones, but his gaze spoke volumes. At that moment, every nuanced emotion, every silent promise, and every whispered hope was shared between them. His complexity and moral dilemmas all came together in this moment of commitment and love. Our eyes met, and I saw his love for me mirrored in his gaze. One foot in front of the other, I moved closer to the man who had captured my heart.

The soft breeze caressed my face as I finally reached Max at the altar. The officiant, a kind-faced woman with warm eyes, began the ceremony, her voice gentle and soothing. My heart raced in anticipation of what was to come.

“Max,” I started, my voice shaking ever so slightly, “from the moment we met, you took me on an adventure I never knew I needed. You’ve shown me the beauty of life, even in its simplest moments—a shared cup of coffee, a quiet walk along the shore, and laughter over our clumsiest missteps. I vow to cherish these moments and create countless more, standing by your side through all the seasons of life.”

Tears welled up in Max’s eyes, and I felt a wave of emotion wash over me, knowing that my words had touched his heart. He cleared his throat before speaking, his deep voice steady and strong.

“Mia, you are the sunshine that brightens my day, the laughter that fills my soul, and the love that has made me whole again. I promise to be your rock when the waves crash upon us, your shelter in the storm, and your partner in this beautiful dance called life.”

His words echoed through the air, carrying the weight of a love that could withstand anything life threw our way. Laughter bubbled up from the crowd, mingling with the sound of sniffles as tears were shed. Our connection, our love, was undeniable.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the officiant declared, smiling warmly. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Max gently cupped my face, his touch tender and loving, and pressed his lips to mine in a passionate, heartfelt kiss. In that instant, time seemed to stop, our love enveloping us like a warm embrace.

As we broke apart, the townsfolk erupted into cheers, releasing a sea of flower petals into the sky. The vibrant colors danced around us in a celebration cascade, mirroring the joy filling every Pebble Point corner.

“Congratulations!” someone shouted, and I knew—without a doubt — that Max and I had just embarked on the most incredible journey of our lives.

Upon entering the elegantly adorned reception area, its charm immediately took me aback. The white tent on the beachfront created a seamless blend of sky and earth, with twinkling fairy lights and shimmering candles.

Lucy and Logan rushed over, their faces glowing with excitement. Logan handed me a small box wrapped in soft blue velvet while Lucy handed one to Max. “A little something from us,” she beamed, the twinkle in her eyes unmistakably hinting at mischief.

Max and I exchanged glances, our curiosity mounting, and we simultaneously unveiled our surprises. Inside my box was a delicate silver pendant shaped like a pebble, a subtle nod to our cherished Pebble Point. Max’s held a matching cufflink set. It was a gesture so intimate and thoughtful that it left us both momentarily speechless. The kids’ effort to commemorate our day in such a personal way was touching.

The following feast was a culinary delight showcasing the best of Pebble Point’s local produce. Our plates were first graced with an appetizer of seared scallops, each perfectly golden on the outside and tender within, resting on a bed of pureed parsnip, garnished with micro greens and a drizzle of truffle oil. The scent alone was enough to make mouths water.

Next, a refreshing palette cleanser arrived in the form of a lemon and mint sorbet, served in delicate crystal glasses. The zesty sorbet was just the thing to prepare us for the main course.

For the mains, guests had a choice between a succulent rosemary and garlic-infused rack of lamb or a buttery, flaky grilled sea bass. The lamb, roasted to perfection, was accompanied by a side of roasted root vegetables—sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips—all caramelized to perfection. The sea bass, meanwhile, was laid on a bed of creamy risotto with hints of saffron and fresh peas. Its skin was crisped to perfection, contrasting beautifully with the soft, melt-in-the-mouth fish beneath.

Baskets of freshly baked bread rolls were placed along the table to complement these dishes. Their warm, yeasty aroma wafted through the tent, inviting everyone to break bread together.

Vegetable sides included a medley of green asparagus, tender broccolini, and sugar snap peas, all sautéed lightly in garlic and olive oil, maintaining their bright colors and crisp textures. A quinoa salad with pomegranate seeds, feta, and a lemon vinaigrette offered a lighter, refreshing counterpoint.
