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“Wow!” I exclaimed, my awe mirrored in Max’s expression. “It’s like the universe is trying to tell us something.”

“Maybe it is,” he replied, his voice filled with wonder. “Maybe it’s reminding us that even when life gets tough, there’s still beauty and magic to be found.”

As we continued to watch the celestial display, I surprised myself by hoping that this magical moment was just the beginning of a journey.

“Hey, let’s make a game out of this,” I suggested as another meteor blazed across the sky. “Whoever spots and wishes on more shooting stars wins!”

“Alright, you’re on!” Max replied with a grin, his competitive spirit shining through.

We watched intently, each trying to be the first to spot the next streak of light. The atmosphere was electric with playful rivalry as we called out our sightings, occasionally disputing whether the other person had really seen one, and our laughter rang out into the night.

“Got another one!” I exclaimed triumphantly, closing my eyes to make a wish. “That makes it five for me!”

“Ah, but I just spotted two at once,” Max countered, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “So, that makes us even.”

The temperature began to drop, and I shivered slightly, drawing my knees up to my chest. Noticing my discomfort, Max took off his sweater, and I couldn’t help myself from stealing a glance at his muscular chest while he pulled it over his head. “Here, take this. It’s getting chilly.”

“Thanks,” I murmured gratefully, averting my gaze before he noticed, wrapping myself in the cozy fabric that smelled of his cedary cologne. We continued our game, both aware of the growing connection between us but choosing to leave it unspoken for now.

Chapter 5

Thefirstraysofsunlight gently tickled my face, and I reluctantly opened my eyes. Children’s laughter and the sound of a car door slamming drifted into my room. Startled, I jumped out of bed, worried that I had overslept.

“Shoot, shoot, shoot!” I muttered as I dashed into the kitchen, expecting to find Max scowling at me for running late. Instead, I found a neat little note on the kitchen counter, written in Max’s sensible handwriting. The words warmed my heart at once.

“Morning, Mia,” the note read. “Forgot to tell you I’m not working until this evening. After all your hard work yesterday, you deserve some rest, so I’ve taken Lucy and Logan shopping. Sleep in if you want! We’ll meet you at the beach midday for a picnic lunch.”

I sighed in relief, feeling grateful for the unexpected break. A smile spread across my face as I continued reading.

“P.S.: Don’t worry about preparing anything. I’ll bring drinks and sandwiches from the deli. Just bring yourself and a sun hat!”

“Ah, Max,” I whispered, laughing softly, “you do know how to make a girl feel special.”

Overwhelmed by excitement and nervousness about my first time visiting the beach, I got there early. I wanted to be alone with the ocean before the picnic began. After a quick shower, I dressed in my favorite airy dress and pink floppy sun hat, slipped on my sandals, and headed to Pebble Point’s famous shoreline.

“Adventure awaits!” I whispered, feeling the wind playfully tugging at my hat as I approached the beach entrance.

Standing at the sand’s edge, I hesitated momentarily, taking in the vast ocean that stretched out before me. The gentle lapping of waves against the shoreline, distant cries of seagulls soaring overhead, and the soft rustling of beach grasses created a symphony of nature’s melodies. It took my breath away, just like the pictures I had seen, but even more powerful in person. The salty breeze tousled my hair, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensation.

“Wow, just wow,” I murmured, stepping onto the soft, warm sand. My feet sunk in a little, and I wiggled my toes, enjoying the velvety texture beneath them.

“Okay, Mia, this is it. Time to make some memories,” I told myself, taking a deep breath and gathering my courage. I inched closer to the water, feeling the warm sun on my back and the cool spray from the waves on my skin.

“Here goes nothing,” I said softly, bracing myself for the unexpected emotions bubbling up inside me. I continued walking towards the water’s edge, the waves lapping against the shore beckoning me closer. I paused again as I reached the point where the sea met the land. The ocean seemed to whisper a secret language, inviting me to become a part of it. I dipped my toes into the frothy surf, embracing the beauty of the ocean and the anticipation of what lay ahead in this enchanting seaside town.

I let the waves carry away my feet as they roamed over each other. Crashing against the shoreline one after another, their song seemed to sing me through an enchanted moment with nature. The sun was warm on my skin, and it felt good to relax and be at peace with the ocean at last.

I couldn’t help but remember my grandmother’s stories about our family’s deep connection with the sea. She had often spoken of how the ocean was a source of life and mystery, filled with secrets that could captivate or terrify. With a sudden jolt of fear, I stepped back from the water’s edge.

“Maybe Grandma was right,” I thought, my heart pounding in my chest. “The sea is beautiful, but there’s something... intimidating about it too.”

Determined not to let my nerves get the best of me, I found a quiet spot on the beach, away from the few early-morning sunbathers and children building sandcastles. Settling down onto the warm sand, I pulled out my journal and pen from my bag.

“Here we go,” I whispered as I wrote about my mixed feelings. The allure of the ocean was undeniable, but so were the growing butterflies inside me whenever I thought about Max. We had recently met, but we had an undeniable connection - or was it simply a crush? I sighed, trying to untangle the emotions that swirled within me.

“Max, you’re something else, aren’t you?” I wrote, my pen dancing across the page. “I barely know you, but I can’t help but feel drawn to you like the tide pulling me towards the shore. Is this what falling in love feels like? Or am I just caught up in the magic of Pebble Point?”

The sound of waves crashing grew louder as I poured my heart onto paper, like a personal symphony. And somehow, amidst the ocean’s vastness and uncertainty, I felt a sense of peace beginning to wash over me. Maybe, just maybe, I was ready to embrace this new adventure and see where the tides would take me.
