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My priority was giving my son a stable life and not having different women coming in and out of it.

“So, you’re telling me that you’ve been celibate this entire time?" Victor says sharply.

"That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that I'm not who you think I am. A lot of what you heard about me has been constructed."

"By who?"

"By me."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “But why?”

"Because I needed people to care.” I lean forward, leveling with him. “Let’s be frank here. Your organization is suffering. And apart from the obvious problems with your absolutely frustrating systems, it’s clear that you have a real problem connecting with donors. You have a problem getting them to care."

His lips tighten but he doesn’t say anything as I continue.

“People want two things. They want you to entertain them, even when you're pulling at their heartstrings. Above all, they want a good story. That's why I fed into all those rumors about me because it fed curiosity, it entertained, it gave me a face and story to attach to all my brands. So far, you’re not doing any of that. You’re the man sitting at the corner of the road, no sign, no story, and expecting people to hand over hard-earned cash.”

"We're not beggars," he bites out

"I’m not saying you should be," I say. "I‘m saying you should be mature enough to know when you’re not good at something and let someone else take over."

"And that would be you?"

"I don’t see that you have other offers."

"And why do you care? Why help us ignorant low lives."

I cock my head thinking about it. There is a very good reason I'm in this business, but the old man wouldn’t believe me, anyway.

"Like I said, it’s what I do."

By the end of the meeting, we’ve come to an agreement. I'll make an initial investment of a million dollars, to cover the system revamp, and an additional million for advertising. We're also going through a rebrand, though I know he'll fight me tooth and nail on what that's going to be. I can tell he’s still mistrustful of me but hopefully, trust will come with time. The important thing is that we’ve laid the groundwork and we can finally get started.

I heave a sigh and tap my wheel as I drive, impatient to get back home. I want to say it’s just because of my son, but I know there’s more to it than that. I’m eager to see Mia and heck, even Chase. I enjoy spending time with the small family we've created, and I'm getting far too used to it. It’s probably a dangerous thing.

Because I’ve given Mia an ultimatum. That's essentially what it was when she asked for a week and I couldn’t help the impatience gnawing at me at the time.A week for what? To decide that she was still in love with her ex? Why would she need a week?

On the other hand, common sense reminds me that she’s been with Billy her entire life. She likely doesn't know what it’s like to be in love with anyone else. Maybe she’s trying to figure out if she still loves Billy or if she’s just used to him.

So, I have to wait.

The week is almost up and then we'll know for sure. But until then, I need to find something to do to get my mind off her.

Or just enjoy what little time we do have together.

I arrive home and sigh as I head to the living room. I pause at the door at the sight that slams into me and seizes my breath.

Mia’s on the couch with Mikey tucked to her side. His eyes are closed and he has an ice pack on his head, hands curled into her. Chase is on her other side with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, watching at the TV.

Warmth crawls through my body at the sight and I feel it in my bones. This is a family. My family.

When I move, Chase looks over first and his whole face brightens. “You’re back!”

Mia glances over. She gives me a shy smile but there’s a bit of anxiety in her eyes ,as though she’s not sure if she’s doing something she’s not supposed to.

"I didn't have time for dinner. Mikey has a little flu so I've been with him."

"He likes my mom," Chase says helpfully. "So, I'll let him borrow her for now."
