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"And bring my grandson too."

“Um..." I’m not sure I can drag Chase away from his hockey game with Luke but I can’t tell them that. “Chase has hockey. So, I don't know if he can make it. But I can stop by for a few minutes." It’d give me a good distraction for the next few minutes. Besides, I miss my parents.

“And my vase?’

I feel guilt in my stomach. The vase is the last thing my grandma gave my mom before she died. It always held sentimental value in our family, and mom saw it as a good luck charm. "I’m sorry Mom. The vase is gone. I had a little home invasion situation…"

“Hang on, a home invasion?" I hear my dad in the background.

I sigh. "I can't do this over the phone. I’m on my way. I’ll tell you the whole story when I get there."

I pull out my phone to let Luke know I’ll be home late then lock up and head down the street.

The restaurant’s only a few blocks away, a little Mexican place with traditional Mexican art and the best horchata.

It's empty when I get there, apart from my parents who sit at a table towards the back. When I get to them, they shower me with kisses and hugs and I feel almost at home.

My dad is a little shorter than me and my mom is a little taller, and their relationship has always been ideal in my eyes. My dad may not have been the best looking to most but my mom always made it clear how sexy she found him even after he lost his leg in an accident. Dad never let any insecurities get to him.

"How long are you guys in town?"

"Oh, just today," Dad says. "We're driving down to a show in Seattle, tonight."

"Now what’s this about a break-in?" my mom urges, before I can ask what the show is.

"Oh, it’s not that bad," I say. I give them a brief rundown of what happened and then add, "The police think it was probably someone playing a prank. Anyway, they broke your vase and I’m so sorry. I have the pieces stored away but I doubt you could put it back together."

"I couldn’t give a damn about the vase," my mom says waving her hand impatiently. "How are you and my grandson? Don’t tell me you still live there?"

"Well, it’s difficult to just move, seeing as how it's our home. But we're not staying there currently. While the police conduct their investigation, I’m staying next door with Luke, Liam’s friend. You remember him, right?"

"Of course," my dad grumbles, and mom rolls her eyes. They've never been hockey fans but I don't doubt they know how popular Luke is.

"Yes, we remember Luke," she says. "Is he just as handsome as before?"

"Yes," I admit and then close my eyes feeling a pressure building up. I've woven a web of lies for years, but it's time to start untangling it. "Mom, I have to tell you something....something I've been hiding for a long time but I think it's finally time you know."

"Tell us, Sweetie." Her voice is very serious now.

I sigh, try a million different phrases in my head, and then decide to just rip off the band aid. "Chase...isn't Billy's child. He's Luke's."

Silence. Shocked silence reverberates through the room and it lasts for what feels like minutes.

"What?" my mom whispers first.

I sigh and explain the entire thing from the beginning. The story comes pouring out of me, and my parents don't interrupt once. By the time I'm done, the shock isn't lessened but it's now tinged with disappointment.


"I know," I say looking away from my mom, unable to bear it. "I messed up."

"Yes, but I'm more upset that you never told us," Mom says. "You know we wouldn't have cared who the father was."

"Yes, but I didn't want you to think less of me." My voice breaks on the final word and my mother gets up from her seat, wrapping her arms around me. My father, after a brief moment of hesitation, joins in.

"We could never be embarrassed of you," he says. "We may not like your choices but our job is to be here for you when you make them."

"But you have to be honest with Luke, Sweetie," my mom adds.
