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“What do you mean?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want one of the kids to walk in on us talking. Let’s go to your room, instead.”

My room.Where we had sex last time.Desire trembles through me but I tell myself that’s not what she means. She just wants to talk.

Fine, a treacherous voice whispers in my mind.We can talk. But after…

When I shut the bedroom door behind me, I brace myself to keep from reaching for her, reminding me of the task at hand. “What do you mean?”

“We caught the culprit. I went home today and found another note waiting for me. This time I recognized the handwriting and realized it was Mona King."

"Who?” The name draws a blank, although she says it like I should know who that is.

"She’s the owner of the bakery. The one downtown I told you about. She came to visit me the other day and wrote down her number for me. Anyway, there's a weird way she writes her O’s and I recognized it."

"Wait." I'm trying to wrap my head around what she's saying but I'm still stuck on one part. "You went back to your house? Alone?"

"Yes." She says unrepentantly. I'm about to lose my shit as she continues, sighing as if I'm overreacting. "I thought I might as well get used to what it looks like, now. I can’t stay here forever. We both know that."

There's a storm raging within me. I say nothing as she finally completes her story.

"Anyway, I went with the detective to confront Mona. She admitted it and they’ve taken her in for questioning."

"She admitted it?"

"Yeah. Or at least she admitted to leaving the note, but it's only a matter of time before she confesses the rest." She rubs her hand over her face and releases a tired sound. "I’m just glad it’s over."

"Me too," I lie. I should be glad it’s over but the truth is I'm not.

Because now, I no longer have an excuse to keep her here, with me.

Except maybe Chase.

I tell myself I only want her around so I can spend time with my son, but I don't even buy that lie myself. Yes, I want Chase here, but I want Mia too. I want to wake up and see her eyes flutter open, smelling her delicious cupcakes as I‘m coming down the stairs. I want to come home to her laughter.

Even after all this, I still want her.

She stands there with a question in her eyes. She won't approach me, scared I might reject her. But I won't. And I can't fight this anymore.

I take her in my arms. She’s ready for my kiss this time but I don’t give her the harsh rush of desire, like before. I kiss her, molding her lips under mine, savoring her taste. It feels like a long time since we’ve been together, and urgency beats at the back of my brain. But I want this to be slow and steady, gentle. I want to take my time and taste her, savor everything she is. If only because it might be the last time we get the chance.

I run my lips along her neck, savoring the pulse thundering underneath my tongue. Then, kiss her right over her heartbeat, sucking at her skin, almost instinctively. She shivers. I remember the hickey I placed there and I want to place another one, as proof that she belongs to me. She’s mine.

Her knees give way but I sweep her up in my arms before she can fall, laying her on the bed. I don’t know where to start. Having her spread out before me like a delicious feast, I want to indulge bit by bit. I start by unbuttoning the row along her shirt, my fingers shaking. I could’ve lost her.

All my anxiety from waiting this afternoon, lets me know just how weak my anger is, in the grand scheme of things. It’s nothing compared to whatever else I feel for her. Nothing, not her betrayal, not even Liam can override what I feel for her.

Her misty blue eyes stare up at me as I shift her bra up, wrapping one hand around her breast. I admire the puckered pink point, seeing it grow underneath my gaze. And then I lick it.

She gasps, her hand clutching the bed sheets. I lick it again as she trembles before me. Her eyes slide shut. I lap her nipple, then nip it, then suck it into my mouth. I love the way she tastes faintly of cookie dough, and the way she smells like a dream. I love the way she trembles under me.I love her.Mybrain spits out the words effortlessly, again, especially considering I’ve never loved anyone before. I didn’t think I was capable of love but the feelings she fires up in me can’t be explained anyway else.


I release her nipple from my mouth with a pop, my hand shaking as it skims down her body. I draw faint circles over her belly, enjoying the goosebumps that break out over my touch. I drift downwards, drawn by the call of her body, her gasps urging me on.


"Yes?" I whisper, my lips hovering over her thong. Purple satin, today. I pull it aside, inhaling her sweet scent, hunger rumbling through me.
