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She giggles and rolls her eyes.

I only have a few seconds with her before there’s a knock on the door. Liam pulls open the door and then grins when he sees me.

“I thought I heard sounds,” he says, grinning, as he walks to us. He looks different from when I last saw him, slightly taller with longer hair. It now curls over his forehead, kind of like how Chase's does. Liam tucks his hand in his jeans. “I’m glad to see you up. You gave us a scare last night.”

“Really? That's why you flew into town, for little old me?" I bat my eyelashes at him. “I’m glad you love me so much, Liam."

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. I was already in town." Liam moves closer and it’s impossible to deny the care in his eyes. "Wanted to see how you were taking care of my sister."

"I do my best."

"Youarethe best,” Mia corrects, and I smile. I manage to pick up my hand to run it over hers, which is still on the bed. She turns hers over to hold me.

"Yeah," Liam says, and to my surprise, he smiles warmly at the two of us. "I mean I still don't think you deserve my sister, but taking a bullet for her is something else."

"It’s what I do."

"Yeah, but try not to take any more bullets,” he adds, wryly. "For a second there we thought we were going to lose you. I thought I was going to have to have the hardest conversation with your kids."

"Yeah, I’ll try not to get shot by a crazed mercenary, next time, Liam. Thanks."

Liam laughs at the tone and I shake my head. "Where are the kids, anyway? "

"They’re with me. They were too nervous to come in at first, so Chase is giving Mikey a pep talk in the hallway. I came in to make sure you weren’t dead, so they wouldn’t see you like that."

"Liam," Mia warns her brother about his flippant tone, but I’m grateful for his actions. And he’s right too. I don’t want to freak my kids out any more than they already are.

“Sorry, Mia. But you should’ve seen them when the ambulance drove past the house and they realized you two were in it."

My heart twists. I hate that my kids went through that. Mikey already lost a parent and Chase just found out I was his dad. I couldn’t imagine what they could be going through, thinking they would lose me too.

And Mia... the dark circles under her eyes are a testament to her worry.

I can still hear that crying noise if I shut my eyes.

I know she’s probably had to hold it together for the kids, and only cried like that when we were alone. I know she's probably still not over what happened. But once I get out of this hospital bed, I'll make it my job to help her heal.

"I’m ready to see the kids, now," I tell Liam.

Liam nods. "I'll grab them." He pats me on the shoulder before he goes. "And I'm glad you're alive buddy."

I smile. I’m glad I’m alive, too.

Liam must’ve told them I’m okay because the kids charge in here with all the speed and energy in the world.

“Wait, don’t jump on him! He’s still a little hur-” Mia can barely get the words out before they both attach themselves to me, hugging tightly on each side. I inhale the groan as I hug them back.



Mikey’s inspecting up and down my body, noting the bandages and tubes. Chase’s crying and babbling at the same time and I laugh, telling him to go slower because I can barely hear what he’s saying.

"I’m good, guys," I assure them. "Really. I just hurt a little."

"I don’t want you to be a hero, anymore," Chase says firmly, his eyes teary and wide. "You could’ve died Dad."

Mikey looks at me, concern in his eyes.
