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Emilia took a cleaning cloth from under the bar and proceeded to the drying of beer glass number 1,000 for the night.

This was brain cell-killing torture, but at least she had less than an hour until the end of her double shift. Besides, her boss was paying well for the extra work, and she more than needed the money. Her upcoming move back to the big city was no cheap endeavor.

Not that you could put a price tag on a fresh start in life. Especially one that was long overdue.

“Hey, Emi,” Charlotte called over the three guys sitting at the bar, “four more tap beers.”

“Coming right up.”

So much for hoping tonight the pub would close earlier. Most of the clients had left after the screening of the football game, but the remaining few clearly intended to keep Emilia and the other two waitresses busy until 1 a.m. sharp.

“How are you holding up?” Charlotte asked while unloading her tray. Even after five hours of serving tables, the perky blonde had a broad smile on.

Emilia smiled back. “Counting the minutes to 1 a.m. and dreaming of soaking my feet.”

Charlotte groaned. “I can’t wait to get my poor, battered feet up... Maybe I’ll get Jake to massage them as well.” She winked.

Emilia snickered. Jake worshiped the ground his wife walked on, and Charlotte liked taking advantage of that fact.

Emilia could only dream of finding a guy like that. Someone to truly care about her rather than just the perks of having a woman at home. Someone who wouldn’t expect her to be his personal cleaning lady, cook, and bed toy while giving her no love in the process. A man who would treat her as his equal, showing her the respect any person deserved regardless of what they had between their legs.

Emilia’s gaze followed her colleague as Charlotte went to serve the newly ordered drinks. Some locals still lingered at the far end of the T-shaped establishment, the big screen not having been the main reason for their attendance tonight. Everyone in Kettonbury loved watching football, but it was the single ladies and guys that had brought many clients here this Saturday night.

Finding your match in a small settlement in the middle of nowhere was a hard task. With William’s Pub being the biggest food and drink establishment in the area, the residents of the only other two towns around here chose Kettonbury as the place to mingle.

Or hunt, judging by the looks the few ladies in attendance were getting.

Emilia shuddered. She was happy the locals had quickly learned that though single, she was not on the menu. It helped that she was living with her parents, who had moved to Kettonbury upon their retirement. Her taking only the day shifts at William’s Pub helped reduce the number of potential suitors as well. But even tonight – the second time she had accepted to cover a night shift – she was not given any trouble.

Perhaps Emilia could take a third – and final – night shift before she moved back to civilization in a week. The extra money would cover some of her transport costs. And no one should bother her if she was hidden behind the bar again–

“Hey, beautiful.”

Aaand scratch that thought. Emilia lifted her gaze from the glass she had been polishing to see who she had the ‘pleasure’ of dealing with. Her mind was already going through various options to turn him down quickly and effectively.

The ‘bye, not interested’ option got stuck in her mouth the second her eyes met the stranger’s.

Big blue eyes that held a twinkle of mischief in them. Dark hair that was mussed up in a way that looked sexy rather than never touched by a comb. Chiseled cheekbones and a straight nose that would make a photo model jealous. Plump limps surrounded by a five o’clock shadow which, stretched into a smile as they were now, revealed a dimple.

Emilia was not one to fall for a man’s looks alone, but…Damn, he is cute.

Too cute to be true, in fact. Especially not in Kettonbury. No, this guy would turn heads even in Hollywood.

In William’s Pub the gorgeous newcomer in his late 20s would get everyone’s attention once they noticed him leaning on the bar with one elbow. For now, they hadn’t heard him arrive due to the loud music at the back, so he had only the three clients at the bar staring at him.

And Emilia gaping like a fish out of water, at a loss for words.

“See anything you like?” he spoke then, his voice deep and rumbly.

That unique timbre did funny things to Emilia. Like, awakened her libido for the first time since Brendon had dumped her a year and a half ago.

Still, the stranger’s words raised all kinds of red flags in her mind. Brendon had been smug about his rugged looks like that, thinking women would be tripping over themselves to be with him if he so much as looked their way. He himself had been in love with his reflection.The narcissistic asshole.

The newcomer, being as cute as he was and clearly familiar with his effect on the opposite sex, could not but be a player.So, down girl.
