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“If you need a drink, I won’t be serving you any. Turn to one of the waitresses.”

“But I thought you felt it too… The connection? When you met my eyes?”

Emilia leveled him with her gaze.How many pick-up lines does he have in store?

Actually, she didn’t care to find out. He was wasting her time. She needed to finish up with the cleaning so she could go home as soon as her shift was over and catch some shuteye before the trip.

“I felt the pull towards you the second I entered, that’s why I came to you first–”

Emilia was glad she wasn’t holding a glass right now. The temptation to introduce it to this womanizer’s head would have been too great. “Then how about you go try your luck with the next woman on your list? Mandy over there is sure to take your amazing offer.”

He followed the direction of her gaze to the local easy lay.

Emilia didn’t like putting labels on people, but Mandy… She had passed through the local male population under 45 like a forest fire, and was on the prowl tonight as well. Unfortunately, no one seemed to be interested in the 38-year-old woman who had cheated on both her husbands after running them bankrupt. The low neckline of her leopard-print top was not catching the eye of either of the men sitting at her table.Or is she sitting at theirs?

“Are you sure?” the stranger asked, not looking very enthusiastic about the idea. “My offer is time-sensitive, but… I’d really likeyouto be the one I take aboard my ship. That strange connection I felt can’t be a coinciden–”

“Stop wasting both our times, mister, and go try this speech on Mandy. Really.” He and Mandy deserved each other.

Emilia resumed her work, ignoring him.

She heard him sigh in exasperation and then followed his movement further into the pub from the corner of her eye.

He actually did it. He followed her advice, going straight for Mandy who all but jumped off her seat to go meet him halfway. The shark had smelled fresh blood.

Emilia huffed. The nerve this guy had.Do women actually fall for his antiques?

With those looks of his, probably yes.

Well, Emilia was not becoming another notch on his bedpost. Or anyone else’s. He had just reminded her why she had sworn off men after Brendon.

Then why was her gaze constantly drawn towards the table where he had sat with Mandy? It was as though Emilia couldn’t focus on anything else but him, no matter how hard she scrubbed the glasses.

It had to be because of her seventeen months of celibacy. Then again, after Brendon shehadn’t felt a single tingle towards the attractive guys she had met while working as a notary assistant in Brinsmingam. The same applied to the local men who had approached her once she had eventually escaped from the big city to put herself back together in the peaceful Kettonbury.

Perhaps it was a sign Emilia was ready to go back not only to the big city but also to the dating scene.

Or, as she thought with an inward smile, it all had to do with the stranger himself, the ‘connection’ between them.

Yeah, right.

To be honest with herself, Emilia had felt a zing go through her when their eyes had met…

No, don’t go there, Emi. It was because of his striking looks, there was no other reason. Who wouldn’t have felt electrified upon unexpectedly running into, say, the sexiest Hollywood actor?

Emilia glanced left towards the pub’s sitting area while finishing up with the last glass for the time being. Just in time to catch the cute newcomer prying Mandy off himself before she could fully climb into his lap. With everyone watching for lack of a better thing to do.

Emilia choked down a giggle at the sight of him jumping away from his seat at Mandy’s attempt to hook her claws into him.

Not so tough when a woman actually wanted to take him up on his offer and ride his ‘spaceship’, was he? He clearly couldn’t handle it when it wasn’t him dictating the terms but the ‘fairer sex’, Mandy robbing him of his control over the situation.

In fact, he seemed to have decided to call it quits altogether. Because when one of the single ladies in the pub started towards him next, he made a beeline for the exit.


The glass nearly slipped from Emilia’s hands when he shot her a look on his way out. He was not smiling anymore and had a determined look in his eyes, but that wasn’t what startled her.

It was the zing that yet again coursed through her upon meeting his gaze.
