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A heavy egg-shaped bottle hit the table behind which baddie number one was firing from. Emilia cursed at her near miss… until she heard the raptor in pants hissing in pain as shards of glass and drops of the bottle’s content rained on his muzzle.

Yes! How about another bottle of your favorite, sir?

She kept the bottles flying as quickly as she could get her hands on them, not bothering to duck after each throw. She was no use to the criminals dead, so they wouldn’t shoot her, right?

Wrong. Baddie number two clearly didn’t appreciate her service, because next time she sent a bottle his way, the winged humanoid serpent got up from behind his cover after her failed shot. And trained his blaster on her. His deadly-plasma-shooting gun.

There was no time to hide. Only to brace for the impact.

Dar landed on the serpent like a lion on prey. Tusks bared, claws out, tail swishing in the air for balance, her man descended on the criminal in a blur of motion. Ensuring the shot never came for Emilia.

Go, honey!

Something else came for her, however.

“Ssstupid female! I’ll sssshred you!”

The raptor lunged for her, and the three Cyclops screamed in unison.

Emilia smashed a long bottle of black booze in the clawed hand reaching for her.

Nothing happened. No glass shattered, no roar in pain sounded.

She looked up at her attacker in what felt like slow motion, eyes wide with fear.

The 7-foot–tall criminal grinned evilly down at Emilia, yellow eyes filled with malice. And opened his maw to chomp down on her entire head.

Emilia didn’t even have time to scream.

An enraged roar cut through the air.

The raptor paused.

Dar flew over the bar, sending her attacker crashing back into the levitating shelves with bottles. Broken class rained down. Emilia covered her head, ducking behind the bartender. She scrambled away from the bar before the two males locked in a fight could land on top of her.

She watched in horror how Dar fought against the raptor’s wickedly pointy teeth, hooked claws, and massive tail. What chance did Dar’s speed and agility stand against the superior size and strength of his enemy?

God, Dar, please don’t die on me!

Emilia looked around, desperate for something to help Dar, but all she saw were blasters. No way could she shoot without hitting Dar.

Using a blaster as a club it is, then.

She ran for the closest one, lying next to the unmoving body of the alien relative of cousin Itt. Armed, she braced herself for joining the melee the rest of the clients were watching from their new safety location by the entrance.

Emilia stopped in her tracks.

The fight had moved from behind the bar into the space between some upturned tables. And with that extra space available, Dar’s moves had switched from animalistic ones to the precise moves of a trained fighter. Space karate, jiu-jitsu or whatever this was, Dar was kicking ass and tail. The raptor’s brute force was failing against her man’s impressive technique.

She watched, enraptured, how Dar delivered one powerful jab, knee, cross, and tail slap after another. A punch under the muzzle, a kick to the ribs – Dar was raining hell on the raptor. Hit after hit, the criminal was getting sloppier in his attack, his claws rarely making contact with Dar and leaving hardly any marks on Dar’s jacket.

A powerful hit by tail in the shin nearly made Dar lose his balance, but he managed to steady himself. He duck and brought the raptor to his knees with an uppercut in the groin.


Two flat-palmed hits to either side of his neck, and the baddie toppled over like a bad dinosaur prop. Dar produced foldable handcuffs from his utility belt and cuffed the unconscious criminal at lightning speed.

Emilia opened her mouth to cheer.
