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She had tried it once and hadn’t liked it. She failed to see what the fuss was all about. Why risk your boobs sagging to increase your cardio endurance on the off chance you had to run for your life one day?

Emilia screamed when laser fire sent pieces of rock flying right next to her foot, and willed her legs to run faster.

Good luck enjoying your perky boobs, Emi, when you’re dead and buried under a tombstone that reads, ‘Couldn’t run for shit’.

She should have known it wouldn’t be as easy as shooting down the ten-strong welcome party by the elevator and walking to theDickion. Not that having a shootout under the cover of a single shield, which looked barely there to begin with, had been easy. But what had come next was way worse.

There were guards everywhere – in the corridor in front of them, in the corridor behind them – all shooting to kill. There were ships flying overhead, some big, some small, but all engaged in battle over the surface of the asteroid. The ground was shaking almost constantly from the impact of missiles and crashing ships and whatnot. To top this off, the glass walls of the corridor they were running along were the only thing standing between them and space. One crack in the glass, and they could kiss their oxygen goodbye.

“Faster, Em!” This from Bargus who was running slightly behind her and backwards to offer cover. His huge gun long depleted and discarded, he had switched to tiny blades which he was throwing at the guards behind them.

Emilia was trying, she really was, but she couldn’t keep up even with her injured man. Dar was shooting like crazy at the enemies blocking the path to theDickionup ahead. T’kala was even further ahead, using her sword to cut down guards from up close, her shield long out of commission.

“I’m slowing you down… Take Cubbie and save yourselves!”

The poor fur baby was out, his hard-plated body curled into an unmoving ball in her arms. Dar’s words from earlier told her Cubbie was alive, but when he would wake up was another matter.

“Keep running!” Dar roared. “Almost there!”

TheDickionwas already visible at the end of the corridor. But so was a squad of guards blocking the entrance hatch.

Could things get any worse? To die so close to salvation and a successful mission–

The corridor behind them exploded.

There was bright light followed by sparks of fire that disappeared as soon as they formed, sucked out into space. Along with chunks of glass and the oxygen needed to sustain everyone.

The force of the explosion sent Emilia flying forward and onto the gray sand, the meeting with the ground knocking the breath out of her. Pain burst in her hands and knees that had taken the brunt of the hit, and her vision went white for a couple of seconds.

Her sight returned as soon as the pain in her limbs made way to sudden cold and the sensation of being dragged along the ground. She blinked in confusion.Who’s dragging me?

Her brain caught up with reality when she saw Cubbie floating in the direction she was being dragged in. Floating away from her.


They were being sucked towards the hole in the corridor’s ceiling behind them. The only reason they weren’t already a cube of ice floating in open space was because there were dead guards mostly blocking the hole. That explained why she could still breathe, albeit with difficulty. But that wouldn’t last long.

“Crawl to me, Em!”

She looked away from Cubbie and forward. Bargus was just steps away from her, his body firmly in place thanks to his claws digging in the ground. Dargus was further up ahead, resisting the pull of the hole in the same way.


Emilia had to start crawling forwardnow, while she still could. Any second of delay could be the difference between life and death. Any detachment from the ground could result in her joining the guards flying helplessly over her head towards the hole. There was no place for hesitation here.

That was why Emilia didn’t hesitate.

She switched to all fours and pushed herself off the ground with all her strength, praying she hadn’t miscalculated in her haste.

She hit Cubbie’s curled form mid-air. She barely managed to wrap her arms around the orange ball before her momentum took her to the opposite wall. She hit the surface hard but somehow managed to push herself off the wall.

Come on, come on, just a bit further to the ground!She reached for the solid surface right under her fingertips…

Her body floated back upwards. The ground got further and further away no matter how much she moved her free arm and her legs like a swimmer.

You can’t swim against a dead tide, Emi. It’s over.

It hit her then that she could still save Cubbie. If she threw him like a ball, with enough strength to get him to Bargus, and–
