Page 58 of When Darkness Falls

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They made it! Miya didn’t know how he did it, but Therak got them to the storage building!

The double doors appeared right in front of them seemingly out of nowhere, and one side opened as if on its own. It closed as soon as they were both inside, Miya still clinging to his back.

But not before she got a glimpse of what was out there. Sheltered from the sandstorm and with the storage space's lights coming on to disperse the dark outside a bit, Miya got a somewhat clear view.

Up in the darkened sky, it was mega versus minigull galore. Tens of creatures of either size were trying to eat each other. Apparently, everyone was on the menu on this hellish planet.

The second the sick-inducing sight was hidden from view, Miya jumped off Therak’s back and went to get something heavy to fortify the doors. A metal storage container was what she chose in case the monsters decided to barge in for additional buffet options.

“Showoff,” she told Therak when she found him locking the two doors together with a crowbar he was bending with muscles and/or telekinesis.

He flashed her a fangy smile, but looked tired.

“You okay, Therak?”

“I used too much of my power to keep the sand and wind at bay.” He put a hand on the back of her neck. “But do not worry, I can still keep you safe. Come, let us check the shuttle.”

She rolled her eyes. As if her own safety was all she cared about. But now was not the time to talk about her feelings for him. She had to get him on the shuttle first, before a nasty surprise decided to show up from the well behind them.

In the safety of the shuttle, Miya would make him rest. No telekinesis, shooting, running, carrying damsels in distress and whatnot for her assassin then. Only eating tasteless emergency rations and cuddling. Healing kisses too.

Lots and lots of kisses.


Such a Charmer

The check of the shuttle’s energy cells led to two conclusions.

The good news was that the cells had charged enough to get Miya and Therak off Xera and possibly to the nearest charging station two days away. They might end up adrift halfway there, but in that case a distress signal would bring a ship to their rescue. And if that was a military vessel, Therak could always stay invisible until Miya got the shuttle charged again.

The bad news? Because of course there was bad news. The charger was no longer working. The indicator showed no solar energy was flowing into the energy cells, which was not surprising considering the weather outside. That meant waiting for the storm to pass was a no-no, unless they planned on staying here after it for another round of charging. Risking company to arrive of the military and mercenary type. Not to mention the monstrous company that could do some damage to get to them, if determined enough.

No, thanks. Miya was ready to try getting the shuttle in the air amid the sandstorm. It wouldn’t be the riskiest maneuver she had attempted due to lack of options, just a close second. The question was, would Therak take that risk?

“I trust you to get us out of here,” he told her when she explained the situation, the soft glow of the energy cells casting his features in blue. “You’re the most capable pilot whose services I’ve used, Miya.”

“Aww. You’re such a charmer.” She poked him playfully in the chest, which won her a smile with a hint of fang.

Therak might have a problem communicating certain things but when it came to compliments, he needed no pointers.

“Bear in mind,” she added as they headed for the shuttle’s ramp, “getting off the surface in this storm might eat up more energy than expected and we might fail to clear Xera’s orbit. Then we’ll be orbiting this cursed planet until someone answers our distress signal. You think the megagulls can reach us in orbit?”

Something akin to a low chuckle came from Therak. “Fatalistic female.”

Miya loved the sound of that chuckle. It made her shiver in the most pleasant of ways. What would it be like to hear Therak laugh? She should make that her own secret mission.

The moment they boarded the shuttle, the interior lit up like an Earth-style Christmas tree.

“All right!” Miya ran to the console and swiped a hand over it. It came to life with a sweet-sounding beep. “Now we’re talking.”

She took the blaster off and sat in the pilot seat. Finally, she was back in her element. “Let’s check this baby’s systems… Oh, it’s Martian software! Oh.”

“Explain, Miya.” Therak stood beside her seat, studying her face.

Dang it.

