Page 10 of My Elusive Mate

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“My tail. It came back,” she said with satisfaction. “Don’t know how. With the other shifters this did not happen.”

A sick sensation roiled through his belly. That sounded horrendous. Barbaric. “Where did the scientists keep you?”


“How did you escape?”

“One worker didn’t agree with the experiments. She helped me. Gave me money.”

“Did they track you?”

“No. They thought I went to America. The worker led them away, and they never caught her. She was clever.”

“And have you been here in Middlemarch ever since?”

“No. I explored first and found a place I felt safe. ‘Tis still dangerous, but I’m careful. I like it here and wish to stay.” Ria consumed her soup and set the bowl away before giving a loud burp. She chortled, and Marcus wanted to laugh with her.

Ria was an innocent. No one had ever taught her, and she’d had to learn everything herself in the human world. She was intelligent—that was obvious. The woman had survival skills that had stood her in excellent stead when most women and men, too, would’ve relied on others.

“How old were you when the scientists took you?”

“Twelve.” She shrugged. “I was there long before the worker helped me.”

“How did you end up in the lab?”

“Ivan. My brother sold me to them.”

“Your brother?”

“My father’s son. He is not a nice person.”

Marcus pressed his lips together, unable to say precisely what he wanted to say about her brother. “Did they give Ivan money?”

“I think so.”

She didn’t sound angry, but he had enough fury for both of them. For any family member to sell their kin into imprisonment… He didn’t have the words to describe how despicable this man was to betray his sister. Half-sister.

“Where does your brother live?”

“I don’t know. My mother and father—they died. Ivan took me to the scientists, and that is all. My life is before and after. I try not to remember the middle. It’s not nice.”

“Will your brother come after you? The scientists?”

“I will kill Ivan should he come. The scientists will not take me either. I refuse to let that happen.”

Neither would he, but it was understandable she wouldn’t trust him. Not yet.

“You’re safe with me,” he reiterated.

She met his gaze this time. Her brown eyes were full of shrewd intelligence, and he understood she wasn’t as innocent as his initial assumption. Her experiences had taught her not to trust, and he hated that. While she didn’t accept it, she was his mate. He’d make her understand this if it was the last thing he did in this world. He’d give her love and protection and friendship. Companionship. Hope for the future.

Until this moment, he hadn’t had a purpose. Not really. Yes, he wanted his and Rory’s new business to do well and for their pack, who’d taken the gamble on relocating to New Zealand, to thrive, but this was more. Anticipation hummed between him and his wolf at the challenge ahead of them.

His phone rang, strident and demanding, in the silence that had fallen. He plucked it up and scanned the screen. Saber.

Ria bounded to her feet and backed away while he answered, her eyes wide. He hated the flash of terror in her—quickly hidden, but not fast enough because he spotted her fear.

“It’s Saber.” He swiped to answer. “Yeah, Saber.”
