Page 20 of My Elusive Mate

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There—she’d admitted this truth to herself.

It had hovered when she’d seen the women talking together and laughing, enjoying themselves. The men and women interacted. Even the children had played and laughed and cried and laughed some more. They’d all been shifters.

It was time to take a chance and extend a little trust.

Ria shifted.

“Good girl.” Marcus kissed her. It was a quick kiss and left her craving more. Her disappointment must’ve shown because he gave her a peck and picked up an item of clothing. “Put this on.” He held up the robe and helped her don it.

Ria’s legs trembled, but she forged onward with slow footsteps along a carpeted passage. She entered the bedroom and came to a halt. The boy’s chortle rang out. He was different, and they still cared for him. Her mouth had turned dry, but she didn’t flee as every instinct urged.

Marcus was right, and returning to a solitary life made her want to cry. Which meant she needed to travel in another direction.

“Hello.” Even to Ria, her voice sounded hesitant, but the woman heard and lifted her head. Her smile froze on her face, and Ria’s stomach churned with fear and nerves.Run!Except her feet didn’t obey her brain. She was tired of running. She dragged in a huge breath and let it ease out slowly. “Hello, my name is Ria. Do you have clothes that will hide my tail and ears? I want to make Marcus proud.”

“Oh, honey,” the woman said. She turned to the boy and finished turning up the empty sleeve, so it didn’t flap around. “Off you go. Help Rory and Marcus with lunch.”

“Thank you, Anita.” He clattered from the bedroom.

Anita rose from the corner of the bed. “How about a pair of baggy track pants? Your ears are fine for now. It’s just Rory, Toby, and me, and none of us would ever gossip, but let me see.” She rifled through a drawer. “Ah-ha!” She picked up a black item and turned with a flourish. “This hat should work. It looks stupid on me, but I think it will work for you and hide your ears. When I saw you in your feline form, I was curious about your hair color. It’s gorgeous. Very striking.”

“People stare,” Ria said.

“Jealousy is a bad thing.”

“I don’t think they were jealous. They thought I was a freak.”

“Well, they were wrong. Once we sort out the flood damage, we’ll visit Caroline at her shop and see what she can do to help you. She is a brilliant designer.”

“Caroline. I know her.” She lifted her gaze to Anita and saw nothing but friendly interest. The distaste and disgust she used to surprise on the scientists’ faces wasn’t on Anita’s. Hope surged in her. “Do you think Caroline would help? She buys my knitting and sells it in her shop. Except I’ll need to purchase more needles and yarn since I’ve lost everything.”

“You do her knitting? She told me an elderly shifter lady does it for her.” Anita stared at Ria, and her eyes widened.

Ria quaked inside and blinked.

“You’re elderly Mrs. Hunter?” Her attention focused on Ria’s ears and hair. “Oh, that explains a lot. Don’t worry. Caroline is always raving about your products and says she can’t keep the shelves stocked because every time a tourist bus comes through, the customers buy everything she has.”

Ria hadn’t believed Caroline when she’d mentioned the same thing. Caroline had also told her she wasn’t charging enough. When Ria had tentatively increased her prices, Caroline had given her even more and told Ria she was still making a handsome profit. Ria respected Caroline. Before coming to Middlemarch, she had received far less money for her work.

Anita handed her a pile of clothes and a hat. “I can help you put your hair up so it tucks underneath, and the hat band will hide the unique position of your ears.”

Anita was matter-of-fact, and she didn’t poke fun or jeer. She didn’t stare, and by the time Ria had dressed, she wasn’t feeling as self-conscious.

“Lunch is ready!” Toby clattered along the passage and hollered from the doorway.

“We’re coming right now,” Anita said.

Ria followed Anita into a large kitchen. Marcus sat with Rory and Toby at a wooden table big enough to seat eight.

“Ria, take a seat beside Marcus,” Anita said and slipped into the chair next to Rory.

“Okay?” Marcus murmured.

Ria’s stomach did a slow flip, and she offered him a smile and a nod. He reached beneath the table and squeezed her knee.

She ate her tomato soup and spread butter on her scones, the entire experience surreal. This must be how it felt to be normal, and it was within her grasp. All she needed to do was trust in Marcus and his friends.

