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I fell for the hotshot of racing, but what I got was so much more.

I got Royal Dutton.



Goddammit.The rookie is pissing me off and has been all damn day. But I’m not taking his bait. We’re on the last lap, and I don’t wreck his ass into the wall the way he’s begging me to.

Instead, I maneuver my way out of it and then fly past the finish line, taking the win.

Fuck yes.

My adrenaline is pumping as I climb out of my car and am surrounded. I’m used to it by now, but I still can’t get used to the man running toward me, his arms wrapping around my neck as he flings himself into my arms.

Soren is fully dressed in a suit and tie, despite it being so damn hot out here. He has to be sweating through all the expensive fabric. Some things just never change.

Axel is here, but Sebastian is in the stands, still healing but should be able to race fairly soon. I have no doubt he’ll be giving us a run for our money any day now.

I also happen to know Maverick is in town, and he brought Cooper to the race. Fucking weird. But the guy does grow on you, that’s for damn sure.

I lay a kiss on Soren’s lips, and he laughs, pulling back a little to look into my eyes. “You didn’t take the bait.”


He leans in a little, his mouth at my ear, and keeps his voice so low, I can barely hear him over the roar of the crowd. “I kind of wanted you to send that smug fucker into the wall.”

My body reacts instantly to his words, turned the fuck on and nowhere to go. Damn it. “Goddamn, my boyfriend is hot,” I growl into his ear.

I swear I feel him shudder against me and smile to myself.

“Picture?” I ask, and I guess it takes him a moment to clear the lust from his brain. He nods and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

He moves us so the car is in the background and snaps a selfie.

I watch him post it with the caption, “MY MAN DID IT!”

His man.

Yeah, I’ll never be the Hotshot again, not in my head anyway.

I’ll be Soren’s man until the day I die.

No other title can hold up to that one.

The End
