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I should fire her.

I really should.

Have Soren follow me around, trying to dig up something that makes me worthy?

That’s just fucking great, Jenny.


I’m trying to reel in my anger after getting up to my suite, but it won’t subside. My career is disintegrating?


I don’t think it’s that damn bad.

I win races. That’s my job. I do my job, and I do it well, but it’s still not good enough. When the hell will I ever be good enough?

I try like hell to push that thought away as I strip down and climb into the hotel’s fancy shower. It’s made of marble and has insane water pressure. Just like my house does.

Like every shower in my house that’s so big, not all of the bathrooms have ever been used. That’s how huge my house is. Seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms. Four-car garage. A pool. Do you know how rare pools are in Kansas City?

Pretty rare.

At least ones like mine with a full waterfall and hot tub, all built into the ground.

But no. I’m still not fucking good enough.

I own enough cars to fit in all four of my garages. I’m thinking about getting another one and building a shed in the back to store it.

I let the water pour over my face as I stand there in the hot shower, willing away all the damn cold I feel. Because you don’t know cold until you haven’t had a roof over your head at night.

Because you don’t know cold with an empty belly when you cry yourself to sleep, just wondering why the hell you aren’t enough for the people who were supposed to love you.

But I have to push it all away. I have to be confident and sure. Arrogant, some may say. Because no matter what they say, no one wants that sad, broken boy.

I finally force myself out of the shower, even though the hot water would have held out for a lot longer, and dry off before putting on a pair of black joggers and lying down on the king-sized bed.

The sheets are soft and inviting. They smell fresh and clean.

I can order dinner and have it delivered to my room within twenty minutes. And I will, but for right now, I just lie on my back, looking up at the ceiling and feeling numb.

When I get myself to calm down enough, I reach for my phone and search online for Soren. He’s not difficult to find. The guy has a lot of followers on every platform.

His first post on Instagram is him wearing what he was tonight, a boring-ass blue suit and tie. His hair perfectly done.

The caption...

Meeting with a hotshot and his agent. Send wine.

It’s not even clever. Send wine? Really? As if he was the one being told what to do and that he’s total shit.Ineeded the wine. Sendmewine.


And the comments.


Ohhh, that HOTSHOT? Please say it’s that HOTSHOT!
