Page 51 of Sweet Spot

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Halloween was right around the corner, and for many—myself included—it was the start of the holiday season. Autumn had always been my favorite time of year, but back in Connecticut it was cut short by the first blast of frigid cold. Down here, I got to enjoy it much longer, and there was nothing like watching the foothills turn from waves of the deepest, darkest green to a sea of fire as the leaves on the trees changed.

We huddled up to our table, conveniently located by an outdoor heater, and took a few minutes to peruse the menu before ordering. While we waited, Marcia sat back in her chair and gazed across the sidewalk, watching people come and go. Most of the faces were familiar and smiled and waved as they passed by.

“You know, I really do love this town,” she said in a wistful tone. “Every time we come to visit, it gets harder and harder to leave.”

“Not to mention it’s nice not being buried under feet of snow when we come down for the holidays,” Grandma Buttons added.

Marcia nodded in agreement. “There is that. I tell you, I’m getting too damn old to shovel the sidewalks after a blizzard’s come through and dumped a mountain of powder on us.”

A switch flipped in my head and I leaned forward, resting my chin in my hand. “Then why don’t you two move here? I know I’m not speaking out of turn when I say Gage would love to have you guys closer. He talks about it all the time.”

She smiled, the love and affection on her face at the mention of her son warming my heart.

The waitress appeared and conversation paused as she dropped off our mimosas.

Marcia picked hers up and took a hearty sip. “It’s definitely something to consider.”

Grandma Buttons lifted her glass in cheers. “Damn straight it is.”

My mother set her glass on the table, more than three quarters of the liquid inside already gone. I gave her a wide-eyed look that she ignored. “You know, Greg and I have been talking. He’s starting to feel like it’s about time for him to retire, and we’ve been considering doing that here.”

My heart flipped as I shot up straight, a smile so wide it made my cheeks hurt stretching across my face. “Really?” I asked on a squeal. “Oh, Mom, I’dlovethat.” We hugged each other tight, clinging to one another as excitement clung to us.

“You know, I’m so happy you and Gage managed to get over that whole friendship thing and see what’s been right in front of you all this time,” Marcia said, catching me off guard.

Emotion swelled in my throat, making it hard to speak. “Thank you,” I managed to croak out as my heart expanded to the side of my chest.

“There was a time I was scared out of my wits he’d never find someone. That Vanessa,” she said with a snarl, shaking her head as her whole face pinched up unpleasantly. “She really did a number on him. I know it’s not polite to say you don’t like someone—”

“But that woman’s the nastiest piece of trash on the planet,” Grandma Buttons finished, never one to mince words. “You may not think it’s polite to say, but I don’t give a single damn. I hate that girl, and I hope karma comes around sooner or later.”

I had a feeling karma had already stepped in, and that was why she was here, so desperate to seek Gage out.

I shook my head in disgust. My thoughts aligned with Grandma Buttons when it came to Gage’s ex. “What kind of woman ends a relationship in a freaking letter while her man is overseas fighting for our country?”

My mom’s eyes went wide, not having heard this story before. “Oh, that’s terrible. You’re right, Francis. She’s a piece of garbage.”

“Well, yeah, that. But it’s also who she left him for.”

My head jerked around to Marcia. “Wait. What?”

“It wasn’t just how she broke up with my boy, she’d been cheating on him with his best friend. That’s who she left my Gage for. I think that might have been what crushed him the most. He and John grew up together. He looked at him like a brother. I know it takes two to tango and all that, and I certainly hold him accountable, but she knew she was destroying a lifelong friendship when she pursued John. He didn’t only lose the woman he thought he was going to marry. He lost a brother as well.”

My heart skipped a couple beats before kickstarting back up. “He was going to marry her?” That sure as hell was news to me. I knew he’d been in love with her, but he’d never mentioned marriage.

“Oh, yeah. Bought a ring and everything. Was planning to give it to her when he got home. In fact, he carried that ring with him when he deployed. Kept it on him at all times, like some kind of lucky charm.”

A sour taste coated my tongue, making the mimosa I’d been so desperate for unpalatable. Apparently he’d downplayed his relationship with Vanessa the few times he’d opened up to me and talked about her.

I couldn’t help but feel inferior all of a sudden, now that I knew the whole truth.

Marcia continued, oblivious to the storm of raging emotions swirling around inside of me. “But now he has you, and you make my boy so happy.” She reached over and placed her hand on top of mine, giving it a squeeze. “I’ve never seen him look at another woman the way he looks at you. Not even when he and that vile woman were at their best.”

Well that helped ease the new wound opened inside of me. At least a little bit.

“And if you don’t end up buying that last dress you tried on today, I’ll be beside myself.”

“Yes, definitely,” my mom added. “Oh, sweetheart, you looked so beautiful in that gown.”
