Page 61 of Sweet Spot

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I turned around on a mixture of groans of disgust and laughter, walking right into the rock hard chest of my man.

I looked up and lost my breath. He’d read my look loud and clear. Not surprising in the least since we were a perfect match in every way. That gunmetal had gone nearly black with desire. “Hey, Bits.”

I rested my hands on his chest and grinned up at him. “Hey, Viking.”

“You ready to go home?”

His question held the kind of promise that made me tingle from the ends of my hair all the way down to the tips of my toes. “Oh yeah, honey. More than ready.”

With a low, throaty growl, he grabbed my hand and all but dragged me out of the bar.

Oh yeah, I thought as I skipped to keep up with him.Life gets more perfect every day.

The End.
