Page 22 of Vamp

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“We talked about it all the time. These crazy aspirations we had. In the back of my mind, I think I always knew there was a chance it might not happen, at least for one of us, but I didn’t care. As long as I had him, I had everything I needed. His dreams were my dreams, and he felt the same.” I shook my head, sadness washing over me. “At least he said he did. When the time came for him to prove that, he failed.” I lifted my shoulder in a shrug, smiling ruefully.

“Oh, honey.” Marin’s sniffles had gotten substantially worse as I recounted my first meeting with Roan all those years ago, and now there was no hiding the tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry.”

“I am too.” McKenna batted at a lone tear. “And I feel terrible for caving when he asked Bruce and me for help last night.”

My head shot around in her direction. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, Sidney was covering his table last night and came to us halfway through the show, saying he wanted to talk to the owners. Bruce and I went out there, and the guy started to lay on the charm.”

“Yeah, he’s really good at that,” I deadpanned.

“I called him on it, told him to get to his point, and he said he was there for the love of his life and needed our help.”

The gasps from my friends had to have sucked all the oxygen out of the room. It was the only explanation for why I suddenly couldn’t pull enough air into my lungs. Why it felt like someone had taken a pin and popped them like balloons.

“He actually said that?” Hardin asked, leaning forward on the couch and bracing her elbows on her knees. “He called Alma the love of his life?”

Mac nodded. “That’s a direct quote. He didn’t specifically say her name at first, but when I pushed, he told us that he’d really screwed up years ago and lost Alma, and that he was here to win her back.”

Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god.This couldn’t be happening. It was bad enough he was in my town. But to tell my friend he was there to win me back?

I shot off the loveseat, making a beeline straight for the vodka. Only this time, instead of pouring myself a shot, I lifted the bottle to my lips and drank.

“Uh-oh,” Layla mumbled. “Something tells me that’s not what she wanted to hear.”

It absolutely wasn’t.

“It doesn’t matter,” I declared, slipping that mask firmly back in place. “Because it’ll be a cold day in hell before I eventhinkof taking that son of a bitch back.”

Asher shook her head, a tiny grin playing across her lips. “Famous last words, babe. Famous last words.”



Standing in front of the bathroom mirror in my room at the inn, I winced and let out a hiss as I gently prodded at the bridge of my nose. It wasn’t broken; I’d had my nose broken enough times growing up to know the difference. Butdamn, Freckles had landed one hell of a blow. I was impressed actually, and despite the pain, proud as hell. Her form had been perfect, her fingers curled correctly, just like I’d taught her years ago.

Good to see my instructions stuck, at least.

It had been two days since that run-in—I’d holed up in my room the day before to keep ice on it so the swelling would go down—and it still looked like hell. But at least I could open my eyes all the way now.

I didn’t know what I’d been expecting the first time I laid eyes on her after so many years, especially given how badly things had ended between us, but I had to admit, I hadn’t seen that punch coming. However, I would be damned if I let that stop me from what I came here to do.

Even with rage and betrayal swimming in those gold-flecked amber eyes of hers, she’d still been the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Sure, the watering eyes and agonizing burn in my nose made my vision a little blurry there at the end, but Alma had always had the kind of beauty you couldn’t miss. It was loud, attention grabbing, even when she didn’t realize it or wasn’t trying.

She’d changed over the years, there was no denying that, and I was eager to study those changes closer.

I’d changed too. I liked to hope I wasn’t that same asshole kid who fucked up his entire life by letting go of the best woman he’d ever known, and I was determined to prove that to Alma. I just had to find a way to do it.

Fortunately, I knew where to start.

I’d let enough time pass, giving her a chance to cool down and me to heal. Now I needed to make a move. Moving back into the room, I grabbed the ballcap from off the bed and put it on, pulling the brim as low as possible. Thanks to the swollen nose and double shiners I was sporting, the sunglasses were no longer an option. But I’d made the decision that my stay in Hope Valley was indefinite, so I might as well come out to the town and hope for the best.

I locked my room and headed down the main stairs. Claire was at the desk this morning, and glanced up at the sound of my footsteps. “Morning, Mr. Gates. Hope you slept well—” Her mouth clamped shut, her eyes widening when she spotted my face. “Oh, man. Someone really got to you.” She looked in both directions to make sure the coast was clear and leaned deeper across the desk to whisper, “Do you need me to call the police?”

I smiled and shook my head on a chuckle. “Nah. It’s all good. Believe it or not, I deserved this,” I said, pointing to my face.

Claire’s face scrunched up. “Really? What could you have possibly done to deserve that?”
