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For Pete’s-fucking-sake. Just once could I have feelings for a guy who wasn’t intent on playing games with me? Once? Not that I had feelings. No, that would be so incredibly stupid of me.

Sexual attraction? Yeah, I felt that. But definitely notfeelings.

I’d just met the man, what, like two days ago? I honestly had no idea how long I’d been in his world, because it had all felt like one, long energy suck.

I felt Hook’s presence behind me, the heat of his body sending a shiver through me. Why? Because my body was stupid, and my brain was stupid, and apparently, I had no clue how to handle rejection. I ground my teeth so hard I could swear I heard the enamel wearing.

His hand gripped my upper arm, and he spun me around to face him. “Youdon’tget it. This.” He motioned between us. “This is dangerous.Iam dangerous. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will. You…” The word faded on his lips, and he shook his head like he was debating something. Without another word, he grabbed me roughly by the back of my neck and pulled me into a bruising kiss.

I’d read about kisses like that, the kind that left you breathless and panting and desperate for more. I’d always believed that kind of passion was nothing more than romantic fantasy.

But when he pulled back, he took all the air in the room with him, leaving me reeling inside. That unearthly orange glow created fiery rings around his irises, and it did nothing to calm the drum of my heart hammering in my chest, keeping time with the pulse beating out a rapid rhythm in his neck.

I should have been terrified. Iwasterrified, but I was not letting fear stop me.

Fear of getting hurt had kept me from letting anyone in since I was a kid, since my mom had ditched me to go live her own life. I was not letting my stupid, misplaced fear rob me of this moment.

Because that’s all it will be. A moment. A night. One time.

“You are playing hell with my self-control,” he said, his voice filled with barely contained fury. Was it fury or desire? Or maybe a bit of both?

One hand was still wrapped firmly around the back of my neck while the other was braced on my hip. It felt like every inch of him was filled with heat and tension. He wasn’t exaggerating. He was riding the edge, and that realization was like throwing gasoline on a fire.

“Don’t move,” I said darkly, putting as much confidence into the command as I could muster. I slid my hand down his abdomen, loving the feel of his taut muscles even with the soft fabric of his shirt in the way.

His eyes stayed locked to mine, that rich glow pulsing hotly. When I explored further down and wrapped my palm against his bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze, a low warning rumbled through his chest.

Hottest fucking thing ever.You know, besides his cock pressing and stretching against his pants, like it was desperate to come out and play. It was bigger than I’d expected, much bigger, and I legit salivated at the thought of tasting him.

I was Pavlov’s dog, and this fucker was my dinner bell.

Except I’d never been a fan of blow jobs. They were always a one-sided venture for me. I was pretty sure the guys I was with were more than happy to be on the receiving end, but they always lacked in the reciprocation department.

But Hook? I licked my lips. I was thirsty for him in every way.

His chest stilled for one beat, then another. It was a tiny little hiccup in the steady flow of his heated breath, but it told me what I needed to know.

I brought my hand back up and tugged at his shirt. “Off.”

He was not used to taking orders. It was obvious in the way a muscle in his jaw ticked and his eyes flared. He was the captain of a ship after all. Men like him were the masters of their worlds. But if he was worried he’d lose control with me, then I’d take away that option.

He couldn’t lose what he didn’t have.

Seconds ticked by as I waited. I would have paid damn good money to know what he was thinking just then. On a heavy breath, he untangled his hand from my hair and reached behind him. He pulled the soft fabric over his head in one smooth movement, then let it dangle from his fingers, waiting for my next move.

“Good.” I let that one whispered word speak everything I was feeling, even when I was barely sorting through the flood of emotions myself.

I worked slowly, unbuttoning his pants at a pace that tested even my patience, giving him every opportunity to end it if he really wanted to. When the last button popped free, I waited, holding my breath. I let three full seconds tick by, marked by the incessant and yet to be seen clock, then I dipped my hand inside and a new jolt of excitement spiked through me. I wouldn’t have pegged him for the kind of guy to go commando, but the evidence was right there.

I wrapped my fingers around his length, giving him a firm squeeze. He was hard, so deliciously hard. I slid my hand up and brushed my thumb over the tip, spreading the warm bead of precum over the swollen head. I’d never wanted something in my mouth so badly.

I brought my thumb up and licked, and Goddess save me, his flavor was divine.

Lust blazed in that orange glow when his gaze locked on mine.

“Keep your eyes on me,” I said, tracing the index finger of my other hand down his bare chest, enjoying the ripples of goosebumps I left in my wake.
