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He gave me a brief, confirming nod.

“He and I have kept in touch during his time there, sharing information as needed.”

Luther’s brow winged up. So, he hadn’t known his favorite nephew had been talking with me, let alone found his way into my inner circle. I didn’t know whether that was good or bad.

“What has happened?” he asked, showing the first hint of impatience.

“He traveled to the human realm.” I gave him the news in a matter-of-fact tone, doing my best to smother the lingering betrayal coloring my thoughts. There was no telling exactly why Leo had made the trip, or even if he’d truly meant to.

He recoiled ever-so-slightly. “The human realm. How? Why?”

“The demon lured a human boy here to the Nassa, and that boy’s sister followed him here.”

Luther’s eyes narrowed and a dissatisfied growl rumbled from his chest. I couldn’t blame him. The situation probably appeared close enough to Wendy’s appearance that if I were in his shoes, I would’ve been suspicious as well.

“Leo helped us get the boy away from the demon, and I helped the two humans escape back to their world,” I said. “However, during their escape, he was pulled through with them.”

William cleared his throat uneasily, but I didn’t dare a glance over. For the moment, all my focus needed to remain on the leader of the clan.

“So, you came here to tell me I’ve lost another of my family? Is that it?” Luther asked, a thread of anger infusing his voice.

“On the contrary. I’ve come to ask for your help. I intend to travel to the human realm and retrieve him, but I can’t get there on my own.”

Again, William cleared his throat, and I realized the point he was trying to make.

“To be clear, I intend to retrieve not just him, but also the demon’s shadow, which made the trip as well,” I offered.

The alpha’s eyes went wide, then focused on me in that way only a true leader could. “The shadow? I thought it couldn’t leave this realm.”

“This time, I’m afraid, there’s more to it. The human boy carries the blood of a demon within him. If the shadow finds a way to merge with him, it might be able to gather enough strength to break Petra free of this realm. If that happens, every decent being in the human world will be in danger.

He studied me for a long moment. “The human realm lacks magic, does it not?”

Yes and no. There were pockets of magic, if one knew where to look, but it didn’t always stay in one place or behave predictably. But that wasn’t what he needed to know.

“The human woman has an amulet that holds a great deal of power. If the demon takes her brother and the amulet, it could be enough.”

“An amulet? From our world?”

I nodded. There was no point in telling him what exactly the amulet was.

His gaze slipped past me, drifting to some distant space beyond the room we were in before he refocused on me, regret twisting his expression. “If I could help, I would. Unfortunately, we are anchored to this realm the same as you.” He spread his arms. “The same as everyone.”

“Are you certain? There was a time when your clan had a traveler in its ranks. Has no one since shown that ability?” I asked.

He shook his head. “As I said, I would help if I could. I’ve always suspected that Lily was pulled into another realm, but in all these years, I have yet to find a means of leaving this one.”

That was news to me. In fact, aside from Leo, I’d heard most of the clan believed the alpha’s daughter was long dead. It took effort not to let my surprise show on my face.

If Luther truly thought she’d traveled across realms, and Leo believed it too, it was possible he’d made the trip intentionally in the hopes of finding Lily.

I offered the alpha a grateful nod. “That is unfortunate to hear, but I appreciate your time all the same.”

He stepped forward, reaching out a hand and placing it on my shoulder. If he’d been any other member of his clan, save for Leo, he would’ve had to shift to heal from the beating I’d give him for touching me in such a familiar manner. But he and I had a history, and once, a very long time ago, we’d called each other friends.

“If you find a way to bring them back, I will forever be in your debt, Captain. It just about killed me to lose Lily. I’m afraid my position as alpha would be in jeopardy if I were to lose another of my own.” With that, he squeezed my shoulder and walked away.

Like the loyal clan members they were, the four guards reappeared and escorted us back to the skiff.
