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It was a vivid reminder of the parties my father had thrown before I’d been cast out to the Nassa; hedonistic orgies where ambrosia and sex ruled the night. Whether they knew it or not, these humans were partying like the gods.

The thought almost made me smile, until I spotted a familiar flash of unnaturally crimson hair. My breath caught in my chest. Never had her arms up, hands over head, her swirling and curling tattoos on full display.

The top she wore appeared to be held on by mere strings. Virtually nothing. And the way her hips swayed to the music brought my cock to full attention. Possessiveness surged in my veins, purging my mind of rational thought.

No one should get to see her like that. No one but me.

That was when I saw a man sidle up behind her, half blocking my view of her, and my blood reached its boiling point.

“Traitor.” The word came out on a growl so low it was unlikely anyone heard it over the music. Leo put his hands on Never’s hips and moved with her, and my world went black.

Of all the reasons I’d imagined for him to follow Never to her world, not once had I considered this.

My feet moved of their accord, drawing me through the crowd. Never’s back was to me as she danced, thankfully. I didn’t want her to see what I was about to do to her partner.

Then again, maybe she should see. Maybe she needed a lesson in just what it meant to be mine.

Another low growl rumbled out of me, and those closest to me on the dance floor moved out of my space. At the same time, Leo’s hand slid up, brushing across Never’s exposed midriff.

I could have ripped him away from her. Every bone in my body wanted to do just that, then cut him down and grind him to dust. Instead, I tapped his shoulder. He shook his head without looking, so I moved in close behind him, letting the jealous rage crackling beneath my skin take over.

“Leo.” I pitched my voice low enough that only a shifter or god could hear.

Before he could react, I reached around and gripped him by the throat, pulling my lips to his ear and digging my fingers into his flesh. “Get your hands off her.”

There was a moment where I thought he would fight me. A hesitation that made my blood sing for violence. Then he gave me a single slow nod.

“Now.” Again, he moved slower than my furious, impatient possessiveness demanded, but his hands eventually came up.

“It’s not what it looks like,” he whispered, too quiet for any of the mortals in the room to hear over the sensual thump of the music.

I didn’t care. Whatever it was, he had no business letting my woman move against him like that.

“Move.” It was the only word I could grind out that wasn’t a threat. Even so, it was a warning.

In another situation, Leo might’ve been cocky. He might’ve teased or tested me, but when he turned and saw the look in my eyes, he shook his head. “It’s not what you think.”

I could sense his arousal, even with the cacophony of overlapping sensations and energy assaulting me from every angle. He wanted her. That much was obvious.

What I couldn’t sense was anything from her. My magic had pulled me to this place, to her, but if she reciprocated any of the interest Leo had in her, I couldn’t feel it.

I studied him for another second. The urge to break him into a thousand pieces was still riding me hard, but I had more important matters to attend to.

“Move,” I said again, and this time, he did.

If Never noticed the change in energy, it didn’t show in her movements. Hell, it felt like half the dance floor was watching us and trying to make it look like they weren’t.

Leo leaned in, and I couldn’t help the sneer that curled my lips. “She had a rough day, Atlas, and she’s been drinking.”

He didn’t have to explain the rest. Maybe he’d only been dancing with her to keep anyone else from putting their hands on her. I wasn’t in a giving mood, but it seemed the universe saw fit to support that idea. Another male, several inches shorter than me, with long, mousy brown hair pulled up in a haphazard bun, had his hungry, hyena-like eyes on her.

I offered Leo a curt nod. It was the best I could do, given the swarm of emotions bombarding me. Fortunately, he took that small acknowledgment and moved away.

Stepping into the space he’d just occupied, I rested my hands on Never’s hips, just as he had. The hollow ache in my chest bloomed into something altogether breathtaking with the tiny bit of contact.

The man working his way toward her took one look at me and backpedaled.Smart move.If he tried to steal her attention after I’d spent gods only knew how long fighting my way back to her, it would not end well for him.

Never’s hips swayed and dipped. Her scent washed over me, making me feel drunk in a way my enchanted black rum never could. Drunk and all but blind with possessive anger.
