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My knees buckled under the force of my orgasm, but instead of stopping, he pulled me up by the back of my neck and slammed me flush against the door.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Every time he drove into me, the door shook on its hinges, but I barely noticed.

I was gone. Spinning in the moment and the feeling of Hook—my broody, bossy pirate—fucking me hard enough to make to me cry. Moisture slipped from between my lids. Traitorous tears that no one should ever see, and I couldn’t do a damned thing to stop them from flowing.

He groaned something in a language I didn’t understand a second before his hips stuttered, and I felt him come hard inside me. Panting, he pressed into me again, the weight of him pinning me to the door. I was pretty sure his hands and his body were the only things holding me up.

His ragged breath was warm against my ear. “You’re mine.”

I couldn’t respond. My throat locked up tight, the uncomfortable lump in it courtesy of the tears spilling down my cheeks. He must have realized something was off because he tried to let me go. When I started to sink to the floor, my legs refusing to hold me upright, he gathered me in his arms.

“Never?” Alarm colored his voice. “Talk to me. Did I hurt you?” he whispered into my hair.

For some fucked up reason, that only made it worse. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Why was I so emotional?

Because ofeverything. Because I never expected to see him again. Because with every day that passed, I was losing any chance of getting my brother back. And did I mention that I hadn’t expected to see my pirate again? In the midst of everything, I’d been trying like hell to let him go.

My feelings for him were ridiculous. What kind of woman fell that fast and that hard for a guy?

A stupid one, and I’d been trying so goddamned hard not to be stupid. I’d been telling myself that it was a fling. I mean, what else could it have been to a guy like him? So, I’d hung my feelings and insecurities on the memory of him and let him take all the blame.

Then the jerk just had to show up and make me feel... everything.



Dread slithered through me, leaving a trail of ice in its wake. Where I’d been on the verge of nearly combusting when Never had pulled me into that dark closet that smelled of chemicals and sex, now a freezing realization was setting in.

I’d hurt her. That was the only explanation for the tears I was seeing. Those wet streaks on her cheeks sliced me open inside in the worst possible way.

“Love, talk to me.” My previous fury was drowned by the flood of worry filling my mind. Had I really found the woman of my dreams, after so many long months, only to hurt her when I lost control?

What kind of monster did that make me?

An image of Leo dancing with her, his hands touching flesh that didn’t belong to him, reignited that searing flame of jealousy in the space of a heartbeat. I pulled her in tighter, desperate to hang onto her now that she was in my arms, and stroked a hand through her hair, smoothing some of the tangles I’d put there.

“Nev—” The apology that burned on the tip of my tongue was cut short when a heavy knock rattled the door.

She flinched at the sound. When she looked up at me, tears gleaming in the dying glow of the pendant, I wanted to tear out what was left of my shriveled heart and offer it to her as penance. My throat worked, but try as I might, my words were nowhere to be found.

An unreadable look flashed across her face, and she shrugged out of my arms. Her back straightened. Her shoulders rolled. She transformed right in front of me, from the soft, needing soul I would burn the world for, back into the woman I’d met that very first morning on the beach.

Strong. Defiant. Challenging in a way that still called to me.

But whatever softness or injury she’d just felt raw enough to share with me was once again buried beneath her armor.

“Are you okay?” I asked, fighting the urge to reach out and brush the tears from her cheeks.

She blinked at me, her ocean blue eyes dancing across my face, before she gave her head one little shake.

Gods be damned. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She bent, dragging her pants back up her delicious thighs. She seemed to weigh the confession as she shimmied them over her hips. “You didn’t,” she said, deliberately avoiding my gaze.
