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“But they pull the demon out first, right?”

Hook stood and moved across the room, taking the seat closest to me. “Possessions can be challenging.” He leveled me with a determined look. “But I won’t let them hurt your brother.”

Unless they have no choice.Sometimes it was a little too easy to read between the lines with him.

“Why didn’t you bring this up before the whole bridal shop shit show?” I asked, fighting to keep the snark out of my voice.

He was trying to help, and really, he was the only one of us who had any idea what to do with Matty when the time came. Assuming we ever managed to get our hands on him.

His expression turned apologetic. “I didn’t know the full extent of what we were dealing with.” He took my hand in his. “The fact that your brother is fighting the shadow is a good sign. It means he has a strong will and a very strong mind.”

Yeah, but how long could he hold out? That was one of the many questions that haunted me in the quiet moments.

“Unfortunately, it also means the shadow has more strength to draw from. I believe that’s part of the reason the creature has been successful at fending off your advances so far.”

Well, the universe clearly had a twisted sense of humor.

And no sense of right and wrong.

“Do you know them personally?” I asked. “The Brethren?”

Hook’s head ticked to one side. “I’ve met three of the eleven.”

“So, you’re not like immortal pen pals or something?”Great job of toning down the snark there, Never.

“Nothing so intimate.” His thumb traced small circles across the back of my hand. “We are similar, however. They live by a code and will only allow harm to come to a human if there is no alternative.”

That didn’t sound like any demon I’d come across. “This must be the newer, gentler generation of soulless hordes.”

He let out a tired chuckle. “The Brethren are primordials, love. They’ve been around since the dawn of time.”

That got my attention. “Longer than you?”

He nodded. “Considerably.”

My mind was a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts. The idea of pitting powerful demons against a demonic shadow that was parading around in my brother’s body honestly made me sick, but what other option did I have?

“You’re sure we can’t exorcise the shadow ourselves? How about witches? Could they...” I hadn’t even finished the question before the look on his face gave me precisely the answer I didn’t want. “There’s no other way,” I said without hiding the defeat I was feeling.

He squeezed my hand gently. “I wish there were.”

Fuckity fuck.

I pinched my eyes closed to hide the frustration boiling beneath the surface, but my hand tightened around Hook’s. This felt like an epically bad idea.

“How do we get in touch with them?” Lily asked.

I peeled my eyes open to find Hook watching me intently. Then he tapped the side of his head. “I can reach out.”

“With your mind?”

He nodded.

Great. So, it wasn’t just wicked demons and wickedly hot demigods I had to worry about. Now there were mystical primordial demons who could read minds. That was what I wanted to hear.

Then what he said really hit home. “Can you talk to all demons with your mind?”

He leaned back, releasing my hand and letting out a heavy breath. “Primordials, yes. Lesser demons like Petra, no.”
