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“Do you think you can help us?”

The two Brethren shared a look before turning their attention back to us. “This demon,” Emerson started, “is this the same one you were cursed with imprisoning?”

He went stiff beside me. “It is.”

Emerson stared at him silently for a few beats, though his expression was thoughtful. “But the demon itself is still in your realm?”

He nodded.

Emerson scratched his stubbled chin. “I can’t say I’ve come across such a predicament before.”

“It’s not a predicament,” I blurted. He made the torture my brother was going through sound like something as mundane as getting turned around downtown. Or getting caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella.

That was when I caught a glimpse of how tired the guy looked. Sure, he was big, and probably supernaturally strong, but when he focused on me, his eyes spoke of someone who’d been through hell one too many times.

“Call it what you like.” Even his voice sounded tired now. “That doesn’t change the fact that this is new territory for us, which is a rarity these days.”

That wasn’t promising.

Hook reached down and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. Even just that simple touch helped soothe the worst of my nerves.

It also reignited Emerson’s interest. He stared at our clasped hands for longer than was comfortable, a muscle in his defined jaw jumping before he gave his head a little shake and turned to Theloneus. “What say you?”

They shared a look that told me absolutely nothing, and the next instant, they were gone.

Along with Hook.



I blinked, and suddenly I was standing outside, facing Emerson and Theloneus with Never nowhere in sight.

Weariness seeped into my bones. “What is the meaning of this?”

Emerson shook his head in response, wearing an expression that was equal parts frustration and pity if I was reading him correctly.

“The woman doesn’t know about her blood, does she?” Theloneus asked. There was no judgment in his voice, but it was loaded with curiosity.

I let my stance ease the tiniest bit. “She does not.”

“But you do.” Emerson’s eyebrows pulled together, revealing a series of fine lines that were uncommon for a being of his power.


“And you’ve chosen to be with her despite her bloodline?” he asked skeptically.

“I fail to see how my relationship with Never is relevant to the trouble we’re facing,” I fired back, careful to maintain a polite tone. What I felt for her and what she meant to me was no one else’s business.

“You are aware she’s mortal, aren’t you?”

Much to my dismay.I dipped my head to confirm his suspicions.

His lips twitched down, deepening his frown before Theloneus cleared his throat and pulled my focus.

The air shifted, and just like that, it was only the two of us standing on that unfamiliar rooftop. From the layout of the city beyond, we were likely on the roof of Never’s apartment building. A fact that made me feel both better and worse.

“Where did he go?” I asked.
