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“Ah, ah. What did I say?”

“Not to move.”

He nodded, and with that, he dragged my bra up, letting the straps slide along my arms as he leaned his bare chest to mine.

It was hard to breathe with him standing so close, with his skin against mine, and that look in his eyes. It was like my body was coming alive in a way it never had before.

I didn’t know what to make of it.

“Now these,” he said sensually, catching the waistband of my jeans, the top button still undone from where he’d flicked it earlier.

He paused, but this time I remembered not to reach down. His comment wasn’t a request or an order. He was testing me.

Hook gave me a look so full of smug satisfaction I could have smacked him. “Good girl.”

Something deep in my belly quivered. I’d always hated those two words, but there was something about the way he said them that turned me gooey inside.

He started unzipping my jeans, slow enough that the click of every tooth unlocking sent little shocks of electricity zinging through me. When he reached the end, he hooked his fingers on both sides and pulled them down, panties and all, in a single sensuous slide.

And there I was, as naked as the day I was born, with my arms held over my head and my bare ass pressed against the cool wooden door. A shiver rippled through me, but not because I was cold.

Oh, no. That shiver had everything to do with the hunger in my pirate’s eyes.

“What now?” I asked through a throat that had gone dry.

“Give me your hands.”

I did as he said, still fighting the urge to tell him I could get in the bath all by my big girl self. That was what my mouth wanted to say. It was what my fiercely independent brain thought. But my heart? It just wanted to let go of the reins for once.

He watched me carefully as he helped me into the tub, and as I sank into the almost painfully hot water, hissing against the sting even though it felt fucking amazing.

“Too hot?”

Letting my head fall back against the smooth copper, I closed my eyes. “Just right.”

He fell quiet after that, but that didn’t mean he left me alone. One by one, he washed my legs and arms, running a soft, soapy cloth along my flesh in slow strokes. It was sensual and meaningful, at least for me, and for the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel quite so alone.

I’d always had Matty and Lily growing up. When I moved away for college, I’d made friends. Then, when I came back after Matty’s dad went AWOL, I’d had him and Lily again.

I’d never really been alone, but there were a lot of times when I’d felt that way.

Or maybe the word I was looking for waslonely?

“Scoot forward.” His voice was gruff.

I peeled my eyes open. “Huh?” Why did he look upset?

He shucked his pants, giving me a lap-level view of his cock, currently at half-mast.Should I be insulted by that?I mean, the guy just had his hands all over me.

Instead of answering, he slipped his hand behind my neck and eased me up. The ends of my hair dripped from where they’d been dangling in the water.

I moved where he guided me, sliding forward, even as I mounted a weak protest. “You don’t have to wash my back, I can—”

A second after his hand fell away, his big body slid into the tub behind me, pushing the water level dangerously high. I almost said something, dreading the idea of soaking his floor. Before I could, he pulled me back until I was laying flush against him.

What do you know? There is enough room for both of us.

