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She shook her head. “I can’t. Not when you’re—”

I flicked her clit again, eliciting a gasp that made my cock throb. Emotion was pouring through the connection now, raw and unfiltered. So much lust and want and worry, all amplified by her growing frustration.

She was right. This wasn’t working. I was trying to guide her through closing a door she couldn’t find, and I was tormenting her in the process.

Which meant a different tactic was necessary.

Never was as reactive as she was responsive. If I pushed, the woman pushed back. Sometimes, it seemed, purely on instinct. So, I pushed. Instead of letting her emotions come to me, I reached out with my mind, followed the path back to her, and tried to pry more out of her.

“Whoa.” Her body went stiff, and that addictive flow of emotion was reduced to a trickle in the space of breath.

A deep sense of satisfaction rolled over me, only partly spoiled by the sharp twinge of regret. “See now. Was that so hard?” I whispered, hooking her by the hips and sliding her decadent body up against mine. It was divine torture the way her rear end slipped across my length, but I couldn’t stop myself.

I’d just given her the key to shut me out, in direct conflict with what I wanted.

It would take practice to keep everything she was feeling to herself, but once she got the hang of it, I had no doubt she would have a three-foot thick steel door standing between us in no time.

“Straddle me,” I growled, dragging her hips up and out of the water.

“The floor...”

“Will dry.”

A shiver trailed through her, transmitting her desire even with her new defensive wall in place. Like the strongest black rum, that shiver heated my blood, leaving my mind swimming.

“Now, Never.”

She huffed out a breath, but finally got moving. She had to wedge her knees on either side of me, leaving her lovely round rump at the perfect height to bite. So, I did.

“Hey!” She twisted around and reached back, swatting halfheartedly at me. “No ass biting, pirate.”

I grinned despite my better judgment. “Won’t happen again.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because pirates in your world are known for taking what they want.” I pointed to the far end of the tub. “Eyes front.”

She shook her head. Just a whisper of her defiance trickled through the connection. So, I smacked one of those glistening globes with an open palm. The sound was much louder than the force behind it, but the way her bottom jiggled made it nearly impossible to keep from leaning forward and nipping at it again.

“Eyes front, Never.”

She followed my order with a roll of her eyes, but a hit of desire slipped through. When she started to sink down, I stopped her.

“Slide your hands forward.” She did, and the resulting view was everything a depraved pirate could have dreamed of. I ran my hands over her flesh, letting my thumbs dip between her thighs. “I think I’d like that kiss now.”

Without waiting for a response, I slid a lower in the tub, grabbed her hips, and dragged her delectable pussy to my face.

Even after months, I hadn’t forgotten her taste. It was burned into my memory, and having her uniquely wild flavor on my tongue again was like coming home.

I licked and sucked and flicked and fucked her with my tongue until she was squirming. Until she was right on the edge. Then I backed off, shifted her forward, and gave her bottom another firm smack.

She was panting, her body trembling. “Do you have any idea how close I was?” she asked, sounding more than a little spiteful.

“Bring yourself down on me,” I said, ignoring her complaint. My voice was rough to my own ears, a fitting complement to the way I was feeling.

She moved slowly, and I could have fallen in love with her right then, watching the way her body shook as her hips dipped into the water. With one hand on my cock and the other guiding her, she brought that delicious pussy down right where I wanted it.

Her body was primed to take me, slick with desire, but it still felt like a fist wrapping around me when she sank down onto my length. “Never,” I growled, my head falling against the tub with a thud. “You feel so fucking good.”
