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The kiss wasn’t desperate or needy, but it was filled with so much passion that I didn’t know how one body could contain it.

It took me a moment to understand that it wasn’t one body. Some of that deep, bottomless passion was inside me, but it was also coming from her, pouring into me like water cascading over a fall.



The shifter had a death wish. That was the only reasonable explanation.

“No,” I repeated, with just as much gusto as the first three times I’d said it. I was tempted to slam my fist on my desk to make my point.

Leo shrugged, eyeing me with a kind of endless patience he’d undoubtedly mastered working for Petra. “This is our best bet.”

I shook my head. “Using yourself as bait is a suicide mission.”

Never, bless her feisty little heart, was unhelpfully silent during the discussion that had us holed up in my war room, arguing over whether to send Leo back to the island as a sacrificial lamb. He’d crossed Petra and the demon would want revenge.

The problem was the creature knew I had my power back. I’d shown her as much by flashing into its camp. That meant she knew I could flash just about anywhere in the realm, save for a certain slow swirling vortex.

Petra could be single-minded at times, but she might not be foolish enough to be drawn out, even for a target as juicy as Leo. She would, however, send the Lost to fetch him, and that would divide her forces.

“I could use a third opinion here.” I looked to Never for support and was greeted with instant defeat when I felt her reaction rolling through our connection.

“What if I went to the opposite side of the island to draw the glitter bitch out?” she asked. “That would get her out of your way for a little bit.”

“No.” The dual declaration came from Leo and me in unison.

“I don’t want you going anywhere near her,” I added, not bothering to temper the command in my voice.

Never bristled. “Try that again, pirate. Only this time, ask nicely.”

Like hell. “I’m not asking. Anya is a formidable opponent, even for me.”

“I can handle myself.” Her gaze shifted to the open door where my sailors were crossing back and forth, busy gathering and stowing supplies. “I did it before.”

That was a different situation. “The moment Leo’s feet touch ground on the island, Petra will know he’s there. The demon has eyes everywhere. If we add you to the mix, she’ll know we’re setting a trap.”

The plan was way too obvious.

“Not if you wound me first,” Leo said, sparing a quick glance for the cutlass hanging from my hip.

“Absolutely not.”

“Hold on.” Never held up her hands. “You heal faster here, don’t you?”

He nodded.

“Only so long as he hasn’t lost too much blood to shift safely,” I reminded him.

“I won’t, but they don’t need to know that. If we can mimic my earlier injuries, just less severe, it’ll look like you dumped me on the island.”

“And why would I do such a thing?” I asked coldly.

“Because I attacked Never.” The statement came out with a hint of regret, an emotion that lingered as he glanced her way.

Never met his eyes. “It wasn’t me you were attacking. We all know that.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “He’s right. I was ready to kill him when I flashed back to the island after you shattered the pendant.”
