Page 108 of The Crown's Shadow

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Because if this moment was any indication, Graeson knew all too well that one day he would get his chance.

When Kalisandre pulled him closer, Graeson gave in to her. His fingers weaved into the soft curls of her hair at the back of her neck. Still, it wasn’t enough. He wanted more of her, wanted all of her.

What he wanted most, however, was to take her away from here and run. Run until they were outside of the castle walls. Run until they had surpassed the city limits. Run until their legs broke and their fears were behind them.

It was a lofty wish, a disillusioned desire. Even if they could outrun their enemies, wherever they went, their enemies would follow. Wherever they went, their enemies would find them.

And as if hearing his thoughts, Kalisandre stepped back, and his heart sank again. Because Kalisandre didn’t need a dagger to stab him in the heart. All she needed was one word.




Cedar had always beenher favorite scent, for it had always felt like home. But now, it smelled of regret.

Because even though nothing had changed, so much had.

Graeson was not her home. He had never been and never would be. Frenzia was her home now.

Kallie bunched Graeson’s shirt within her fist.

Graeson’s breath mingled with hers, his scent consuming her. His fingers brushed across her chin. “Kal, just let me give you what you deserve.”

The pit of her core hummed, but she would not listen to it. She would not let Graeson sway her.

“Graeson,” Kallie began, but the words were cut off as he took a half step closer. The muscles in her body grew taught, her skin cold. The old coals now turned to ash.

“If you wanted to walk out of this room, you could have a long time ago. You’ve had several chances.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. “But before you do, can I say one thing?”

Unable to say anything else, Kallie nodded.

“You are deserving of love.” His eyes bounced between hers. “Whether it is mine or someone else’s. But by the gods and the sea, if you let me, I will do whatever it takes to prove to you that you are worthy of love.”

Kallie’s hands acted of their own accord. Her fingers knotted in his shirt, pulling him toward her. Her lips found his. And she kissed him. She kissed him before he could take those words back and see the truth. Before he could realize she was undeserving of his attention—undeserving of his forgiveness.

She refused to call whatever existed between them love. She refused to admit what she knew in her heart. Because if she admitted that truth to herself, she would fall to pieces. Because whatever it was that they had, it couldn’t happen.

She kissed him because she wanted to. She kissed him because this was her last chance to have a glimpse of the fire that breathed between them.

This was it. A goodbye hidden in the shadows.

He pulled back, then laid his forehead against hers. “Kalisandre.” Her name was a growl on his tongue, vibrating against her neck.

Even though she knew she needed to, her body wouldn’t let her pull back. Her body craved his touch. She wished his lips were once again on hers, wished they had never left. But she couldn’t allow that to happen. Someone would come looking for her soon enough.

Then, without thinking, the command slipped out.



“Let me go.”

Graeson blinked as the command poked at his mind. It knocked on the walls, trying to find a crack in the marble.

Had she meant to command him? Kalisandre knew she couldn’t manipulate his mind, that her manipulations didn’t work on him. Yet he had felt the command coating her voice. He had sensed it trying to infiltrate his mind.
