Page 128 of The Crown's Shadow

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If her command was still working, how could he keep her restrained?

Her nails bit into her flesh. The command Kallie had made when they were dancing had been made in haste. Her intent had not been clear enough to be all-encompassing. The parts of him covered with clothing could still press against her. Only his flesh could not touch her.

Kallie’s blood stirred, the gift rising. She opened her mouth. “You—”

He shoved the ball in her mouth, her jaw cracking as he forced her arms behind her back and used her body to keep them locked behind her.

“Ah-ah,” Sebastian hummed against her ear. “Here’s the thing, Princess. I find that I like you better when you’re not talking.”

Kallie struggled against his grasp. Saliva built in the back of her throat, but she couldn’t swallow. She couldn’t speak. When she tried, the ball vibrated in her mouth and only a strangled hum escaped.

His eyes darkened as they soaked her in. His teeth scraped over his bottom lip as tears began to pool in her eyes.

“Yes, just like that. See? You’re perfect when you’re quiet. When youlisten.” He cocked his head, tracking the tear falling from her eye. “My brother never was good at appreciating what fell in his lap. Ever since birth, everything has been handed to him: the crown, the favor of our parents, and now, you.” He inched closer, the light scruff on his jaw scratching against her cheek, burning, as he brought his lips near her ear and whispered, “But he doesn’t have you yet, does he?”

Kallie jerked forward, but Sebastian pressed his forearm against her throat, forcing her head to the wall and restricting her airflow even further. “That’s right, fight me. I don’t like it when they’re too eager, too . . .easy.”

Kallie glared at him behind a water-filled stare as she tried to figure a way out of his grasp.

With the fabric between them granting him a loophole to her command, his other hand fell to her waist and ran up her side, bunching up the fabric of the skirt.

“It would go against my vow to thekingif I didn’t inspect the goods before he was handed them.” Sebastian’s breath was warm against her throat, suffocating. “What do you think, Princess? Shall we see just how perfect my brother claims you to be?”

The blood in Kallie’s veins buzzed with anger. She hated this man. With every fiber in her body, she hated him. Her gift rose like a tidal wave, and Kallie pulled at it, tugged, begged for it to rise. It flowed through her body as though it was eager to be used, as though it had sensed the danger she was in and yearned to protect.

Kallie tried to speak around the gag again, but Sebastian pressed his forearm against her throat. Harder, rougher. Without the ability to speak, she couldn’t command him. She couldn’t manipulate him. More tears threatened to slip. Yet despite everything else, she was thankful for two things at that moment: the first being that Domitius had taught her how to fightwithouther ability, and the second being that Sebastian had too large of an ego to think a woman could best him.

Popping her shoulder out of its socket with no more than a grimace, Kallie slipped her hand out from behind her back and reached for the opening in the fabric at her waist. Her fingers brushed against the leather strap, and she unclasped the hidden dagger.

Obscenities poured from Sebastian’s mouth as she drove her dagger into his thigh.

Once Sebastian released her, Kallie removed the gag with shaking hands, keeling over as she inhaled. She struggled to regain control over her breath. But as Sebastian bent over to pull the dagger out, adrenaline soared through her body, and she charged forward.

She grabbed him by his shoulders and kneed him in the groin. He groaned, folding over again. He tried to recover, but Kallie didn’t give him the chance and struck, her fist smashing into his jaw. He spat blood onto the floor, and anger colored his face.

With the back of his hand, he wiped his mouth. “So the princess can pack a punch, huh? Now, what will my brother say about that?”

“The king’s opinion on the subject does not matter,” Kallie sneered, her voice as coarse as sandpaper.

“No? But what happens when he finds out you’re not the person he thinks you are?” He stepped forward, blood smeared across the back of his hand. “You see, if it were me, I would welcome the challenge, the fight. But my brother, ha.” Sebastian laughed and reached for the dagger again.

Kallie balled her hand into a fist and steadied her stance. But as she went to strike, Sebastian hit the floor before she even moved. Her mouth fell open, gasping. Kallie didn’t need to see his face to know who was now sprawled on top of Sebastian. She would recognize him anywhere.

“Graeson?” Kallie gasped. Swallowing, she touched her throat, which was still swollen and dry. “What are you—”

The words escaped her as Graeson looked over his shoulder. His eyes were the brightest shade of silver she had ever seen, nearly white. His ordinarily calm demeanor had vanished, and a feral snarl was plastered across his face. The Graeson Kallie knew was nowhere to be seen.

Sebastian wiggled beneath Graeson’s hold. “Get off me, you bastard!”

Kallie stood paralyzed as Graeson forced his focus back on Sebastian. He lifted Sebastian off the floor by Sebastian’s shirt. Graeson hovered near the Prince’s ear. Kallie, however, couldn’t hear what he said, the words too quiet.

Sebastian released a mangled laugh. With an amused grin, he said, “She belongs to Frenzia now.”

Graeson chuckled, the noise feral and animalistic. The sound alone should have made Kallie turn away or at least should have sent a shiver of terror zipping down her spine, but it didn’t. And that was more nerve-racking than anything.

“You donottouch her,” Graeson spat, throwing Sebastian back against the floorboards. Then, he struck, hard and fast, his fist smacking into Sebastian’s jaw.

At the ferocity with which Graeson attacked, Kallie didn’t know what she was more afraid of, the strength Graeson was emitting, her father losing his mind if the captain died here today, or her creeping desire to watch and sit through until the very end.
