Page 130 of The Crown's Shadow

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The dagger fellfrom Kallie’s hand as she swallowed the curse on her tongue.

Please, gods. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me he’s not here.

But no prayers could change what she saw.

Rian’s hair was a mess, dark scarlet strands going every which way with no sense of direction. The iron dragon helmet was tucked beneath the crook of his elbow, his chest rising and face flushed. Confusion and hurt contorted his features as he looked at her, then at Graeson, who still sat atop Sebastian, and at last at the dagger clattering on the ground.

In one fluid movement, Rian pulled his sword from its sheath. “Kalisandre, get behind me,” Rian ordered, the authority of a king and a protector backing his words.

Kallie, however, hesitated, her gaze flicking between the two men.

The flames that had coursed through her veins only a moment ago began to shrink, a coldness replacing it. She didn’t want the fire to go out. She didn’t want to go back to holding back, to pretending. It felt too good to release her control over it. Too good to reign the monster that she was back inside.

Graeson exchanged glances with Kallie. The rage was still evident in his silver irises, but his face was controlled and showed no emotion otherwise. Slowly, he held up his hands, his knuckles bloody and bruised, as he stood. Sweat glistened across his palms.

As Kallie stood, she kept her hands low.

It was all over. She had ruined everything. Weeks spent building trust between her and Rian wasted. A thread that needed constant coaxing, a thread of trust that was as fragile as the glass panes covering the wall of the Ardentolian castle. Only a day and a half before the wedding and Kallie had ruined it.

The crown had been at her fingertips, but now Rian had seen too much.

Perhaps Sebastian was right. She did know about being close to something before it disappeared from her grasp.

There was only one option.

“Kalisandre,” Rian warned, his voice taking on a sharp edge. “Now.”

Then realization struck.

Rian thoughtKalliewas the one in danger. He thought the dagger she had held in her hand was meant for Graeson, not Sebastian. And why would he think otherwise? Why would he believe that hisbrotherwas the one who had putherin danger? Who had tried to . . .

Kallie swallowed the lump forming in her sore throat.

Rian didn’t know who his brother was. Even when they trained together, he didn’t recognize the hatred that fueled Sebastian’s punches, that kept him from holding back. Rian didn’t know the predator lurking beneath Sebastian’s skin. He didn’t see Sebastian’s jealousy or the fact that his brother strived for more. He didn’t know that Sebastian wanted the crown, the title, the power.Her.

Rian believed Graeson to be the monster. And while Kallie had seen the beast that resided in Graeson, she also knew that even though Graeson might hate her, might even flinch at her touch, Graeson wasnotthe villain here.

Sebastian was.

Shewas. But never Graeson.

She saw the question in Graeson’s silver gaze. Kallie could not give him the love he wanted. Shecouldn’tlove, for it was not written in her blood.

And Graeson was only a man, a soldier. Not a king. Although he fought with the strength of ten soldiers, he could not give her what she wanted, what she needed.

She turned to Rian, who extended a hand with a wary eye still on Graeson. But Rian was looking at the wrong enemy. He didn’t even realize that he was reaching out to the person who would betray him once she had what she came for. He was too naive, too ignorant. And for a moment, Kallie felt sorry for the young king.

But only for a moment.

Kallie grabbed his hand, and Rian shoved her behind him, shielding her with his body. She gripped the back of his shirt, fisting the material in her palm as she peered around him. She met Graeson’s gaze one more time, and her chest ached as if she was ripping off a piece of herself by going to Rian.

Even though she might not be able to go with Graeson, she could at least give him one thing.

A chance to escape.

“Go,” she mouthed.

Without confirming he listened to her command, Kallie stood on her toes, her mouth inches below Rian’s ear. Her gift was still strong, no longer weak from a single use, and she released another command.
